
Regular Member Meeting 2012 04 10

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

April 9, 2012

Meeting called to order at __ by: __

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2012 03 13

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for Feb 2012: File:HacDC Financials Mar 2012.pdf

We added no new members in March, and had one non-paying member. Unfortunately, David Lotts has not responded to my emails and has not paid dues for three months so will be dropped as a member unless someone can get in touch with him or knows what's going on.

I purchased the video camera and accessories and Clear modem and service that were approved at the last meeting. Also paid $20 for $100 in Vistaprint credits to be used for business cards once we have a design. Despite these expenditures, we finished March $76 ahead and are maintaining about 4 months' reserve.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

New Members

The Doctor

The Doctor (aka Bryce Lynch) is a long-time regular of HacDC. When he's not galavanting around time and space he donates a considerable amount of time and energy toward developing Project Byzantium and fighting for social justice around the world.


Adjourned at: