
Resource Use Policy

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HacDC makes resources available for member and community use. HacDC must ensure that these resources are used responsibly and within any applicable guidelines set down by suppliers of those resources.

This policy was officially adopted at the June 17, 2008 regular member meeting.

Space Use Policy

  • Respect your fellow members.
  • Keep the space as available as possible for as many purposes as possible
  • Work takes precedence over sociailizing.
  • Members are responsible for their actions as well as those of their guests.
  • Always remember to properly clean and secure the space before leaving.


All members shall have as much physical access as possible to the leased space of HacDC.

When full access is limited, ministers shall always have full access. Otherwise, no unreasonable request for full access will be denied. All those with full access bear additional responsibilities for enabling full access to all members.


  1. Public Events
  2. Projects
  3. Social Networking (i.e. Hanging Out)

Public Events

Members are encouraged to schedule public events. Public events are, by default, open to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Any member may schedule a public event at least one week in advance by simply:

  1. Scheduling the event on the HacDC Events Calendar
  2. Making a blog post about the event
  3. Posting about the event (with a link to the blog post) to the members list

Members should publicize public events.


Members are encouraged to work on projects while they're at the space. Projects that help support the space as a whole take priority over other projects.

Members actively working on a project take precedence over any potential social gathering. Members engaged in projects and members engaged in socializing should beware of this, and adjust their activities accordingly.

Members engaged in an active project may request other members to curtail or limit any activity which interferes with their pursuit of an active project. This is why members are strongly encouraged to bring their guests during a public event.

Members may bring guests to help work on projects and recruit those guests to become members!

Social Networking

Social collaboration is another important aspect to HacDC. Effective working relationships are often built or reinforced over casual social gathering. HacDC should function as a Third Space, allowing members and their guests to build interpersonal relationships outside the scope of working on an active project.

As such, members are subject to no hard limitation on the number of guests they can bring into the space, as long as they accept full responsibility for the guests they bring.

Donated Resources Policy

Donated resources should be used in the following order of priority:

  1. HacDC Infrastructure or Tools Collection
  2. Member-Approved Projects
  3. All Other Projects

It is assumed that, given these parameters, members will work out the best use of donated resources as quickly as possible and responsibly dispose of the rest.

See also: Resource Disposal

Tools & Equipment Use

  • Use tools and equipment responsibly.
  • Put tools and equipment away where they belong in a way that best preserves their usefulness.
  • When in doubt, ask for help and training.
  • If you're not sure an individually-owned tool is available for general use, ask its owner.
  • Don't act in a way that would lead to expansion of this policy.

Internet Use Policy

We are subject to the Speakeasy Terms of Service

All users of the HacDC internal network are responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with the Speakeasy TOS.