
Organizational Synergy

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 19:34, 24 June 2008 by (talk)

HacDC, Make:DC and DorkbotDC are closely related groups focusing on the intersection of art, technology, culture and craft infused with a DIY ethic. This article attempts to more carefully define the symbiotic relationship between these groups.

Alberto's Idea

  1. Make:DC conceptualizes projects
  2. HacDC builds them
  3. DorkbotDC presents them
  4. GoTo 1


The earliest online origins of Make:DC and HacDC could be traced back to a September 18, 2007 MAKE: Blog post by Bre Pettis advertising the first meeting of the NYCResistor Microcontroller Study Group. Nick Farr and Adam Koeppel, who would both later become co-founders of Make:DC and HacDC, both posted to this entry stating their intent to start an organization in Washington, DC similar to what was being pitched in New York City.

Shortly thereafter, Pettis encouraged Farr and Koeppel to get in touch with Gareth Branwyn, one of Pettis's fellow MAKE:Blog Bloggers based in the DC area. Branwyn and Alberto Gaitan, both "co-overlords" of DorkbotDC helped Koeppel more carefully define MakeDC's purpose and helped secure the Koshland Science Museum space for Make:DC's first meeting.

Shortly after Make:DC's first meeting, Eric Michaud encouraged his friend and former business partner Andrew Righter to meet with Farr about building a hackerspace in DC. Righter, Farr, Alli Treman and a host of Righter's business colleagues and associates met at The Diner in Adams-Morgan to discuss forming a hackerspace in DC. Farr created the MIBS list shortly after the initial meeting.

From that meeting forward, Gaitan and Branwyn offered advice and assistance to both Make:DC and HacDC's organizational efforts. They encouraged Farr and Koeppel to present at DorkbotDC meetings and posted announcements about the group's activities to the DorkbotDC announce list. The DorkbotDC announce list is credited with breaking news about HacDC's part's party and initial organizational calls.

The relationship came full circle when DorkbotDC used the facilities leased by HacDC at St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church to host the Dorkbot DC meeting held on May 26. 2008.
