
Regular Member Meeting 2012 03 13

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 23:58, 13 March 2012 by Eric (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

March 13, 2012

Meeting called to order at _8:00_ by: _Brad_

Members Present: Brad, Martin, Tim S, Dan B, Greg, Ben P, Phil, Chris, Tim R, Todd F, Elizabeth, Adam, Nick S, Eric

Others Present:

Quorum met? yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

2012 Annual Meeting approved

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for Feb 2012: File:HacDC Financials Feb 2012.pdf

We added Justin Meyers as a member and had two non-paying members. We lost Erik Barry due to 3 months of non-payment (and no response to emails), and Elliot Williams finally went to honorary member status after moving to Germany months ago.

Despite the reduction in member dues and donations we finished February ~$400 ahead. We have about 4 months of reserve at our current level of expenses, but some of that will be spent on goodies.

Secretary's Report

Migrated website from Drupal to Wordpress (Thanks Alberto!). Please contact admin team for access to post new content! (remember to use categories and multimedia is a plus) Also looking for project write-ups to add to Projects page. Feedback is always welcome.

Director-at-Large Reports



DC Library Lab looking for collaboration

  • scanning automation
  • Wikimedia accessibility hacking
  • Open Street Map
  • leading classes

Member Reports


  • Found free office chairs [pic] for classroom (mostly confirmed). Looking for new tables and shelves to better organize classroom and kitchen space.


  • free "big sheets of paper" (aka posters with good quality blank backs). just leave 2-3 for haxwithaxe.
  • DIY godd (US passport like) quality Hackerspace Passports (DIYHackerSpacePassport). I have very nice paper and vinyl cover material, and probably way more than I will use.

Old Business

New Business

Should we look into getting a Clear modem to improve Internet access inside the space? (Tim) $50/month plus $20 for refurb modem. Up to 6Mb/1Mb but concerns about caps and throttling. Cancelling Linode will save $37/mo that could go to this.

(Tim) Should we allocate money to purchase a camcorder, mic, and accessories for recording classes and events? I think we should have everything on hand and make it as easy as possible to record stuff (with everyone's permission of course) and post it to YouTube (or whatever). Entry-level camcorder is $150-200 (would want one with a mic input), mic is $50, tripod is $30, memory card is $20, so total is $250-300. We would keep it locked up and give presenters the combo so it wouldn't be easily stolen.

(Tim) I'd also like to get business cards for the officers/directors that want them. I'm not fussy, VistaPrint black & white with HacDC logo is fine - $10 for 250(?). Once we have template, making cards for new people will be easy.

New Members


Adjourned at: 20:xx