
Finding neighboring mesh nodes

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Revision as of 16:34, 23 November 2011 by Drwho (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Assumptions = * There is at least one mesh node. * Meshes are not built through collusion, i.e., each person setting up a node does not do so knowing that others are as well. *...")
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  • There is at least one mesh node.
  • Meshes are not built through collusion, i.e., each person setting up a node does not do so knowing that others are as well.
  • Mesh nodes are able to broadcast the existence of services they run ("I run a microblog!")
  • Services can be activated on a node (implying that their presence will be announced) or deactivated (implying that their presence will not be announced)
  • Mesh nodes continually listen for announcements of services from neighboring mesh nodeds
  • Mesh nodes maintain directories of services running on neighboring mesh nodes
    • ...except when a service is designed to automatically federate with others of a like type (i.e., announcements of content from one will automatically be incorporated into cached announcements on the node)
  • Clients neither broadcast nor listen for service announcements
    • Smartphones
    • MP3 players
    • Computers not running Byzantium

Existing protocols

  • Avahi/ZeroConf/mDNS
  • Included in Porteus Linux
    • Host can publish running services
    • Host can be informed of services running on other hosts
    • User does not have to specifically configure any of this
    • Host admins may have to configure this
    • Bindings for multiple languages are available
    • Protocol in a nutshell:
      • Ad-hoc DHS over IP multicast (
      • Each node has a resource record for each service
        • SRV
        • TXT
        • PTR
        • Types documented in /usr/share/avahi/service-types on Windbringer. File is part of Avahi on all systems.
          • HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH dnsmasq!
    • Resolution is done by the host running an Avahi implementation - broadcast a resolution request to the multicast domain and listen for a response
    • Node needs to have its hostname set (machinename.local)
  • XMPP service discovery
    • XEP-0030
  • DHCP
  • XRDS