
Regular Member Meeting 2011 10 11

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 23:47, 11 October 2011 by Sitwon (talk | contribs)

Note: This page serves as the 2011-10-11 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

October 11, 2011

Meeting called to order at __07:40__ by: Ben Mendis

Members Present: Ben The Pyrate, Brad, Toast, Dan, Tim, Martin, Danny, Todd, Richard, Chris, Reuven, Jon, Jaime Others Present: Emily, Max, Rae, Nick

Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2011 09 13 Approved

Director Reports

President's Report

Not here.

Vice President's Report


Treasurer's Report (Tim Slagle)

Here is the Sept 2011 financial summary: File:HacDC Financials Sept 2011.pdf

We ended September about $100 ahead even though one-time contributions have dropped to zero (no robotics class?). This is because we added six member subscriptions in September! New paying members are: Adam Green, Dan Barlow, Daniel Watson, Emily Dunne, Richard Bullington-McGuire and Reuven Cohen (voted in May 2011). Alex Hofmann last paid dues in June and was administratively dropped since he didn't respond to emails.

Membership revenue now exceeds rent in the "new" space, but we still rely on extra contributions to meet all expenses (hosting, insurance, etc.) so thanks to everyone who kicks in extra!

Quorum is now 13.

Alberto and I checked out a possible space, 3 blocks east of the NY Ave Metro (near the DC Fab Lab!) The deal was to sublet 4/5 of a 5000 ft^2 warehouse for about $2500/mo. However utilities would run $600/mo in winter, it would cost $5K to fix up before we could occupy, and the roof leaked all over the space and would cost $25K to fix. It seemed like a cool space for someone with the cash to fix it up, but not us :-(

Our corporate status was revoked by DC in September even though we filed the required paperwork in Jan 2011. I have been in touch with DC and we need to recreate the report that was filed since no copy was made. We are still waiting on getting address info for the directors as of Jan 2011, I will submit it ASAP once we have everything.

ITG is switching mailing lists over to Google Groups. We found 17 recent paying members who were not subscribed to the HacDC:Members list, and ITG sent emails out inviting them to join.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports


Brad B

Member Reports

ITechGeek (Jamie)

6 of those 17 members who weren't on the members mailing list have responded back asking to be placed on the members mailing list (and have been added).

Also while auditing the members mailing list, there were 27 past members/4 never members (As far as Tim S knows) on the list. Should those people be moved on when members is migrated to Google Apps?

29 total mailing lists, 4 mailing lists moved over (A 5th was created new), 2 mailing lists the list owners have said can be killed. Awaiting word back from people about 7 mailing lists. Sent a message to BOD about 9 lists that I haven't heard back from them.

A lot of people have expressed their dislike of Drupal, does anyone actually have an issue w/ being migrated to Wordpress 3? I think I've found a way to import all the old posts from the Drupal site into a Wordpress site. This is an initial concept site:

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at: