
The Doctor's to-do list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 04:59, 3 September 2011 by Drwho (talk | contribs)

In no particular order, this is the stuff I want to accomplish over Labor Day weekend:

  • Figure out a good build configuration for nginx
  • Test that particular build of nginx against a couple of PHP apps.
  • Modify the existing nginx .Slackbuild script with the configuration I work out.
  • Build nginx packages and check them into SVN.
  • Figure out a good PHP build configuration that
    • runs under FastCGI
    • includes SQLite
    • includes MySQL
  • Test that particular build of PHP against a couple of apps.
  • Write a .Slackbuild script for PHP with the configuration I work out.
  • Build PHP packages and check them into SVN.
  • Set up an account on the Porteus forums and post the link to our SVN repo.
  • Develop a configuration for nginx that
    • is lightweight
    • somewhat optimized
    • modular, so that each app has its own included config file
  • Write a web app for the control panel that
    • Can start and stop nginx on demand
    • store its configuration in a database
    • move sub-config files for nginx that represent PHP apps into and out of the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory
    • force nginx to reload its config files every time an app is (de-)configured
  • Get OpenSSL working through nginx
  • Write an initscript that
    • checks for the presence of a node's SSL cert
    • terminates if one is found
    • generates one using the IPv6 address of the node as its hostname if one isn't found
  • Set Porteus up to set its hostname to the IPv6 address of the node.
  • Write a PHP app that
    • displays a "Hello, User!" message
    • displays links to apps hosted on the node which happen to be active
    • removes links to apps hosted on the node that are deactivated
      • I don't know PHP... can we find someone who does?
      • Would have to reference the SQLite database which keeps track of the active and inactive web apps and modifies the output accordingly
    • has to be mobile-friendly
  • Install on my development instance
    • requires PHP
    • will need its UI tweaked to be more mobile-friendly
    • Create a Porteus package and check it into SVN
  • Install etherpad-lite on my development instance
    • requires node.js, for which there exists a Slackpack
      • build a Slackpack of node.js, convert into Porteus package, check everything into SVN
    • write an initscript that can start up when called but not at boot
    • will have to be controlled by the control panel, store its configuration in a database
    • write a sub-config file for nginx that passes through the /pad URL to localhost:9001
    • requires NPM
    • really should run as an unprivileged user
    • really should listen on the loopback interface only
    • pay attention to the reverse-proxy howto for nginx!
    • have to start it by hand a few times to figure out how to automate and package it
  • install status.neet on my development instance
    • requires PHP, MySQL
    • nginx must have URL rewriting available
    • PHP must have support for Curl, XMLwriter, MySQL, GD, mbstring, gettext compiled in
    • nginx installation instructions!
    • will need to pre-configure it for security and usability
    • need to make the mobile skin the default and erase the others to free up disk space
    • will need to write a sub-config file for nginx
    • configure for longer messages - 560 characters? 700 characters
    • configure to make it easy to set up accounts on a node - no e-mail verification
    • enable image upload and display
  • Write a dependency manager for apps
    • some web apps require MySQL, some don't
    • only start MySQL if it's not running already for the ones that don't