
Regular Member Meeting 2011 03 08

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Revision as of 01:02, 9 March 2011 by Hexagon5un (talk | contribs)

Note: This page serves as the 2011-03-08 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

March 8, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:45 by Redbeard.

Members Present: Will G Brian Redbeard Katie B Brad Barr Elliot W Bjorn W TC Ben S Martin R Jamie Xaq Phil S Toast

Others Present: Puja Waldo Dennis Martin

Quorum met?


Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2011 02 08

Director Reports

President's Report

Annual meeting couple weeks ago, board elections. The new board has been working. Submitted response to inter-hackerspace challenge put out by Mitch -- challenge is to build educational equip. Since the 501c3, written a bunch of letters to donors. Got $200 from John Howard. Set up computers for Linux labs.

Vice President's Report

Lots of awesome going on. Very happy. There's been projects going on nearly every night and day, with some nights overbooked. AVR class, 3D bots, and Space Blimp were all going on last night. Other classes every other night. Yay!

Treasurer's Report

Todd, in his absence, put up the treasurer's report. Thanks Todd.

We're still losing money, but not too quickly. Everyone should look for opportunities to get funding / matching / etc from their employers given we now have 501c3.

Board met last week to discuss plans to get more income.

BBT at End of February: $5,183.83

Paypal at End of February: $665.86

Liquid Assets: $5849.69 (6699.69 with security deposit of 850.00)

Previous Month: $6,459.35

Total: -$609.66


02/28/2011 Debit INTUIT *QB ONLINE 02-26 800-286-6800 CA 1703 BB&T CHECK CARD RECURRING PYMT $10.55

02/23/2011 Check 1027 CHECK #1027 View $2,526.00

02/16/2011 Debit SFPP STATE FARM RO 27 XXXXXXXXXXX4321 ACH DEBIT $68.58

02/02/2011 POS LINODE.COM 02-02 609-593-7103 NJ 1703 BB&T CHECK CARD PURCHASE $37.45

Secretary's Report


Director-at-Large Reports

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at _____.