Avr2011 kit
From HacDC Wiki
Hi all. There will be much more detail here later tonight (Mar 1) when I can upload images...
Kit Contents
You will need:
1) AVR ATMega88, pre-programmed with a bootloader 2) AVR Classboard printed-circuit-board 3) Eight resistors (~120 ohm) 4) Eight LEDs (I like the small square ones) 5) 1 uF capacitor 6) 0.1 uF capacitor 7) Two push buttons 8) 6-pin header to connect the FTDI serial cable 9) A small-signal diode for backward-power protection (optional, but certainly won't hurt)
A Brief Tour of the Board
Before you start assembling anything, have a look at the printed circuit board.
Big and bold in the center is the location for the AVR chip. Notice the notch in the silkscreen at one end? That corresponds to a notch on the top of the AVR chip, and helps you get it in the right orientation when the time comes.
Just to the outside of its pins, you'll see two rows of holes labelled for the port/pin combinations that appear in the datasheet. For instance, PB0 -- PB7. See how there are tiny white lines connecting the two rows of holes, pairwise? Those indicate that the two holes are electrically connected to each other. This was a convenience -- you can solder two things easily to each AVR pin.
Just outside of the AVR pins, you'll see two more rows of holes, labelled VCC and GND respectively. GND is connected to the board's ground plane, and so is at 0V. VCC is connected to the board's power supply and is whatever voltage you're using to drive the whole mess -- In class, I'll refer to this as VCC or I usually just call this 5V.
Assembling the Kit
1) To get your feet wet soldering, install the two capacitors. They can go in either capacitor position, and are non-polarized (can go in either way).
2) Now install the two pushbuttons. They're oblong, but there's no top or bottom.
3) Now start on the LEDs. They _are_ polarized, and you'll notice that one lead is longer than the other. The short lead gets connected to ground, while the long lead connects through a resistor to the AVR output pins. Place so that their short pins are in the ground strip (labelled GND).