
Regular Member Meeting 2011 02 08

From HacDC Wiki

Note: This page serves as the 2011-02-08 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

February 8, 2011

Meeting called to order at _____ by _____.

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2011 01 11

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Ordinary Income/Expense


Membership Dues

Total for Membership Dues $1,929.50

Non Profit Income

1/10/2011 Journal Entry 57 -SPLIT- -0.17 -0.17 01/14/2011 Sales Receipt 1371 Nicholas Beauregard Paypal 12.68 12.51 01/24/2011 Sales Receipt 1383 Severin Tixier Paypal 48.25 60.76

Total for Non Profit Income $60.76

Total for Income $1,990.26


Commissions & Fees 01/18/2011 Journal Entry 52 -SPLIT- 121.00 121.00 (D.C. Government Fees)

Total for Commissions & Fees $121.00


01/10/2011 Journal Entry 49 -SPLIT- 71.08 71.08 01/28/2011 Journal Entry 55 -SPLIT- 71.08 142.16

Total for Insurance $142.16 (Twice Because of Previous Error)

Office Expenses

01/03/2011 Journal Entry 47 -SPLIT- 37.45 37.45 (Linode) 01/10/2011 Journal Entry 50 -SPLIT- 31.80 69.25 (Keys) 01/10/2011 Journal Entry 48 -SPLIT- 33.33 102.58 (GoDaddy) 01/12/2011 Journal Entry 51 -SPLIT- 24.25 126.83 (501c3 Fax) 01/27/2011 Journal Entry 54 -SPLIT- 10.55 137.38 (Quickbooks)

Total for Office Expenses $137.38

Rent or Lease

01/21/2011 Journal Entry 53 -SPLIT- 2,000.00 2,000.00

Total for Rent or Lease $2,000.00

Total for Expenses $2,400.54

Net Ordinary Income $ -410.28

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

Interest Earned

01/01/2011 Journal Entry 56 -SPLIT- 0.43 0.43

Total for Interest Earned $0.43

Total for Other Income $0.43

Net Other Income $0.43

Net Income $ -409.85


Current Assets

Bank Accounts

BBT Checking 2,726.07

Total Bank Accounts $2,726.07

Other Current Assets

Paypal 3,733.28

Total Other Current Assets $3,733.28

Total Current Assets $6,459.35

Other Assets

Rent Security Deposits 850.00

Total Other Assets $850.00

TOTAL ASSETS $7,309.35


Net Income -409.85


Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



  • Results from LinkedIn survey
How would you feel about advertising your HacDC participation on LinkedIn by being a member of a HacDC group there?
I would like to do so. 5
I would not like to do so. 0
I don't care. 1
I don't use or intend to use LinkedIn. 0
If a HacDC group on LinkedIn is established, who should be allowed to join?
Anyone at all 1
Anyone who participates in HacDC, member or not 4
Only HacDC members 1

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

Proposed change to the membership process which are defined in the Standing Rules:

Any member may nominate a qualified person to be a voting member. Any eligible person may be elected as a voting member at any regular meeting upon meeting one the following sets of qualifications:

1) The payment of their first periodic dues and visual approval of all members present.

2) The payment of their first periodic dues, a short statement prepared by the proposed member showing their support of article 1 of our Bylaws, having at least two members present vouch for the candidacy of the prospective member. The two members which vouch for the candidacy of the new member may not be the person who nominated the individual for status as a voting member.

  • 2.1) The prepared statement may be written or in some other form of A/V communication that the members of the meeting may


New Members


Adjourned at ____.