
Machine Shop Classes

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Revision as of 14:44, 13 October 2010 by (talk)

This page is for the machine shop classes for the space. Currently basic lathe classes are being taught, but this may expand to include other classes/tools as they become available.


Further Reading

Lathe Instruction Manual

MIT Lathe Instruction Videos

Material Sources

HacDC Wiki Page: Suppliers


American Science and Surplus $20 Digital Calipers

Lessons Learned

List of tips gleaned from our own mistakes experiences. Please contribute! (with attribution / date)

  • The speed settings from the classes are suggestions only. When in doubt, sacrifice a small test piece to fiddle with speeds (both motor speed and hand speed) and find the optimal settings. (Tom C. 10/13/10)
  • When boring, it's much easier to stand at the END of the machine (so you're looking down the axis of the part) than to stand "in front" where you'd normally think to. (Tom C. 10/13/10)
  • Don't be afraid to use both hands on the dials. They're small, but two hands will give better control and smoother finishes. (Tom C. 10/13/10)