


From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 19:58, 6 October 2010 by Katie (talk | contribs)

Hi, I'm Katie. By day—and sometimes by night—I help operate a spacecraft called New Horizons. My background is in computer science, and I've written some of the software running on New Horizons and on MESSENGER. Outside of work I enjoy sea kayaking, sewing and embroidery, using Linux, learning Japanese language and tea ceremony, reading, hobby electronics projects, nature... all kinds of stuff. I coordinate a [semi-active DC-area chapter of LinuxChix]. Readers of this page may be particularly interested in my tech projects page. Since I live out in the Maryland suburbs, I'm not physically present at hackerspaces:HacDC often. Feel free to e-mail me.

HacDC Projects

I'm planning an LED Embroidery workshop for sometime in the next several months.

Wiki to-do

Mailing Lists to-do

  • check to see that each list (including project ones) has an admin to take care of pending requests