
NARG GP stacks code

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Revision as of 17:09, 28 May 2010 by Obscurite (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Linked from NARG. Code by User:obscurite. Written for python 3.0. <pre> from random import choice from random import randint programList = [] # hold program…')
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Linked from NARG.

Code by User:obscurite. Written for python 3.0.

from random import choice
from random import randint

programList = []           # hold program elements (ints and operations)
opStack = [];              # temporarily hold operations as we handle them
intStack = [];             # hold ints as we handle them
ops = ['add', 'mul']       # all possible operations

# Stack stuff
def popOp():               # pop operation from op stack
  return opStack.pop()

def pushOp(op):            # push operation onto op stack

def popProg():             # pop thing from programList
  return programList.pop()

def pushProg(stuff):       # push thing onto programList

def popInt():              # pop int from int stack
  return intStack.pop();

def pushInt(stuff):        # push int onto int stack

# Random stuff
def randOp():              # return a random choice of op (add/mul)
  return choice(ops)

def randNum():             # return a random int from 1-10
  return randint(0, 10);

def randThing():           # return a random int or random op randomly
  if randint(0, 1):
    return randNum()
    return randOp()

# main function

def main():

  numthings = 100 # num of things to generate

  # build up a random list of things (ops and ints)
  for i in range(1, numthings):
    pushProg(randThing())      # push a random thing into programList

  # Show what's in the full programList
  print("PROGRAM LIST:")

  # For every thing in programList, handle it appropriately
  for i in range(1, numthings):
    thing = popProg()
    if isinstance(thing, int): # it's a number, push it to number stack!
    else:                      # it's an op, do something with numbers!
      if len(intStack) > 1:    # we have at least two ints on num stack
        if (thing == 'mul'):
          pushInt(popInt() * popInt())   # do the mul operation and push
          pushInt(popInt() + popInt())   # do the add operation and push

  # Show what's left in our op and int stacks
  print("OP STACK:")
  print("INT STACK:")

# run the program!