
Special Member Meeting 2010 05 25

From HacDC Wiki

Note: This page serves as the 2010-05-25 Special Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

May 25, 2010 Meeting called to order at 7:08pm by el Presidente

Members Present: Jason, Daniel P, Todd F, Martin, Brian H, Elliot, Eric, Arc, Dan T, Alan M, Brad B, Katie, Darian, Andy, Jamie, Dave, Ben S, Dan B, Tommy


Quorum yes! we rock!

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Do we need to do this?

Minister Reports

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Vice President's Report

Secretary's Report

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

  • Current cash (after one time expenses): $7000 - 8000
  • Current cash in bank: $7000 - 7500
  • Total one time expenses $1750
  • Owed by insurance: $400
  • Current paypal balance: $1300
  • Current monthly income: $1800 + store/soda ~ $1850/mo
  • Current annual income: $22,200
  • Monthly expenses besides rent: $85 insurance


  • Current rent: $964 + 2% increase + $300 basement
  • Current rent: $964 * 1.02 = $983.28 + $300 = $1283.28
  • Cost for one year: $1283.28 * 12 = $15,399.36


  • New rent (would be): $2000 for six months from Jun 1, $2475 thereafter, including internet and basement.
  • Cost for six months: $12,000
  • Cost for one year: $12,000 + $14,850 = $26,850

Rent Shortfall Fund: $200 mo shortfall for six months $675 shortfall for six months $1200 + 6 * $675 = $4,050


Meeting adjourned at _____.