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PicoBlaze Flow Instructions


Overview of Picoblaze / ISE Development flow

The PicoBlaze development flow is different from the FPGA flow we've seen so far. We have to use a new tool, a PicoBlaze assembler, in conjunction with the ISE tool set.

Picoblaze flow.png

I reccomend placing a folder named 'asssembly' or something else memorable in the root of your desired ISE project. This will keep an entire project togetheer in a single directory. You'll want to copy the ROM_form.vhd file from the picoblaze processor distribution to a convenient place, such as ./assembly directory or your project directory. We'll need to have a copy of this to use later.

The new tool we'll be working with today is openpicide. It is a project management IDE, Syntax check, program assembler and device simulator. It is opensource project, based on the QT framework. We'll be using it to generate the program ROM as a VHDL block ram file, which will be used with our design. The structure of our example project will look like the following:

  1. top_level.v
    1. embedded_kcpsm3.v
      1. kcpsm3.v
      2. prog_rom.vhd - This is the file generated by the assembler.
  2. project_constraints.ucf

In general, a picoblaze design would look like this

  1. top_level.v
    1. embedded_kcpsm3.v
      1. kcpsm3.v
        1. prog_rom.vhd - This is the file generated by the assembler.
    2. periperal1.v
    3. periperal2.v
      1. sub_module1.v
      2. ....
    4. other logic as needed
  2. project_constraints.ucf

Picoblaze simple example / toolchain tutorial

To begin, make sure you've got Xilinx ISE and OpenpicIDE installed. You can obtain openpicIDE here You'll also need to get the picoblaze download package.

First, we'll create the ISE project. Create a new project called picoblaze_example1 in your projects directory. Add copies of the following files from the picoblaze download package.

  • embedded_kcpsm3.v
  • kcpsm3.v

Then create 2 new source files

  • constraints.ucf
  • picoblaze_example1.v.

Copy and paste the contents of these files from the wiki [see below]. You should note that your missing a file, prog_rom, which is in the embedded_kcpsm3 module. Do not attempt to implement the design - it will not work until we generate the program ROM.

When openpicide opens, you'll want to create a project. You should save the project file in your 'assembly' folder. Under the settings for the project, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Set the processor to Xilinx picoblaze
  2. Set the VHDL template name to "prog_rom"
  3. Set the vhdl source file to the ROM_form.vhd file we copied earlier.
  4. You can leave the rest of the settings to their default values.

You'll then need to create a new file - use the new file button in the upper left corner. Copy and paste the 1st example source file from the wiki. Run a syntax check on the code to make sure it is correct, and then generate a VHDL memory file from the code. Save the file as "prog_rom_example1.vhd" in your assembly section. You can now move back to ISE.

Now, add the program file "prog_rom_example1.vhd" to your project, using "Add Copy of Source". You'll notice that the prog_rom module is no longer missing, and you can now implement the design. After programming the board, you should now see the LED's flipping on and off; if so, you have a working Picoblaze toolchain.