
Python Tutorials

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 19:46, 2 February 2010 by Dcmk1mr2 (talk | contribs) (Python Resources)
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From the HacDC Blabber list: Does anyone know of a good tutorial on GUI programming for complete idiots in Python?

(Keven) These might offer a reasonable starting point:

Other resources of a more general nature (and of varying levels of idiocy):

(Riley) However by far the best resource I used was:

(Mark) Being able to open a file dialog is a key part of many GUI program- here is a good approach: And here is a progress bar:

Between those two things, I have made many GUIs that are in front of analytical software tools that I have implemented in python originally as command-line utilities.

The easiest place to start is the "simplest possible tkinter program" here:

Then go through the list of widgets here: Grab the right version for your python installation (2.x or 3.x) and unpack it- run it and you can click the "see code" button for any element. It is a great earning tool, especially since it is all running in python on your computer, too!