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Finite state machine implementation of a device that takes a level change (low to high) and turns it into a one-period pulse.
module levelToPulse(clk, in, out, reset); input clk, in, reset; output reg out; reg [1:0] state, next; // States parameter WAIT_LOW = 0; parameter WAIT_HIGH = 1; parameter RISING = 2; // I've just seen a rising edge parameter PULSE = 3; // I'm in the process of generating a pulse // Reset or update the state on every clock always @ (posedge clk or reset) begin if (reset) begin state <= WAIT_LOW; next <= WAIT_LOW; out = 0; end else state <= next; end // What to do in each state always @ (state or in) begin case (state) WAIT_LOW: begin if (in == 1) next = RISING; end RISING: begin out = 1; next = PULSE; end PULSE: begin out = 0; if (in == 0) next = WAIT_LOW; else next = WAIT_HIGH; end WAIT_HIGH: if (in == 0) next = WAIT_LOW; endcase // case (state) end endmodule
Level-to-pulser Testbench
module test_stateMachine(); // Parameters parameter CLKPERIOD = 20; // 50MHz at 1ns parameter FINISHTIME = 1000; // 1ms // DUT inputs reg clk, in, reset; // DUT outputs wire out; // DUT instantiation // levelToPulse DUT(clk, in, out, reset); // Stimulus // Clock generation always #(CLKPERIOD/2) clk = ~clk; // Initial conditions initial begin in = 0; clk = 1; reset = 0; // When at finishtime -- this shouldn't happen. It's just a safety. #FINISHTIME $display ("Reached the end of the sidewalk: %5d", $time); $finish; end // Inputs initial begin // Reset and wait #3 reset = 1; #3 reset = 0; repeat(5) #CLKPERIOD; // Go level high in = 1; repeat(5) #CLKPERIOD; // Go low in = 0; repeat(4) #CLKPERIOD; // Delay a short time so that input is in different phase with the clock #(CLKPERIOD / 2); in = 1; repeat(5) #CLKPERIOD; $display("-----------------------"); $display("- Normal End at %5t -", $time); $display("-----------------------"); $finish; end // Monitor initial begin $dumpfile ("test_stateMachine.lxt"); $dumpvars(0, test_stateMachine); end endmodule