
Website redesign

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Revision as of 17:44, 5 December 2009 by Obscurite (talk | contribs) (Created page with '== Time to update! == I've been threatening to spend some time updating the design and content of for a while, and I finally have an opportunity to do someth…')
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Time to update!

I've been threatening to spend some time updating the design and content of for a while, and I finally have an opportunity to do something about it. The site is based on Drupal, the same technology that powers! So, pretty much anything you can think of is within the realm of possibility.

I'll post ideas/specs/demands/etc here.



My list of potential improvements (that I can recall off the top of my head) is something like:

  • Reduce white space
  • Use more media (Flickr pool, podcasts, videos of events, images in general)
  • Emphasize donation and membership (age old nonprofit trick)
  • Make it fast and easy to find out what the hottest goings-ons are in terms of projects, events
  • Better calendar
  • Use the Civicrm stuff ben installed to do event management eventbrite style
  • Allow people to hook up circuits to the site somehow (TFine mentioned an idea that sounded like a circuit gallery)
  • I thought it would be cool to build some kind of basic AI into the site to determine colors, content organization, etc. Will think more about this.