
Regular Member Meeting 2023 07 11

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 00:14, 12 July 2023 by C4lliope (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

Called to order at 7:37 pm by Obioma
Members remote: Oby, Gabe, Calli, Matt, Christopher, Ori, Phil Shapiro
Others present:
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Oby, seconded by Gabe.


Matt for being an amazing treasurer, and Oby and Gabe for hooking up our new wifi!

New Members

Old Business

Movie Day Round 2: Space Sweepers Educational programming: - Christopher recommends a basic technical literacy course - Online: Phil's Phil's banner printer - 3' by 150' - Needs a proposal on paper - Include Phil's email and phone

New Business

Calli: - Laser cutter -> basement

 - Need a duct in the basement window

- Soldering desk -> basement

 - perhaps add a second desk, keep soldering in both places

Chris: - Second rack server machine; is able to hold a graphics card. - Replace original, or keep a second machine in the rack?

Oby: Big concern is peak power consumption, perhaps around 500W; some circuit breakers are beginning to go.

Chris: LAN party! How many people? 6-8? Saturday 15th, combination Movie Night beginning at 6/7pm: Space Sweepers.

Treasurer's Report

Lost a couple members; correccion: Calli Youngblood remains a member. Property taxes due next July: $0, need to be filed regardless. Mobile Citizen has been paid for remainder of year.

KeePass: MyTaxDC updated.


Adjourned by Obioma 8:15