
On-Boarding New Members

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 00:02, 12 April 2023 by Msavage (talk | contribs)
  1. Communications channels - join our private & public channels on Discord: #welcome-and-rules, #members (private), #introductions

Board Of Directors - people to contact with questions and ideas: Bylaws - please read them! Virtual Spaces: Discord, most active space. Please request an invite link from a BOD member, every time a link is generated it expires in 7 days. Blabber mailing lists Getting access to space: Photo of church entrance, entrance pointed out on map Church door code 2nd floor office hallway code get a key from [insert BOD POC] Space code Meetup page - sign up for and attend events to get to know the community Wiki useful links - wiki is not always up to date, is in process of revitalization, but still has some pertinent content: Monthly Members Meeting Minutes Editing wiki: email Kevin C. for wiki access. Include the username you would like. Wiki editing rules & writing guidelines (LINK TBD)