
RobotFest 2009

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 17:23, 9 April 2009 by Ben (talk | contribs) (Robot Fest Page created)
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RobotFest 2009 is April 25, 2009 from 10 AM to 3 PM.

HacDC will have 2 tables where we will show off member projects and sell Arduinos.

So we have an idea of what to plan for, please list any projects you'd like to show off below. If you're not planning to be at RobotFest yourself, you can put your projects on the RobotFest shelf in the space (Please make sure someone who's going knows how to setup/use/display your project). We'll take everything on the shelf with us and return it to HacDC sometime on the evening of April 25.

Name Project Attending?
Ben Something BlinkM-ey yes

Also, we'll be carpooling from HacDC, leaving at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning. If you're offering a ride or need a ride, please add your name below:

Name Offering or Needing a ride? How many people?
Ben Offering 3