
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 05:48, 18 January 2019 by Gippgig (talk | contribs) (update)

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. January 2019 20 - 3PM - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 8PM - UMd Obs. - Planet Hunting with JWST/MIRI 21 - 3:15PM - UMdMS - Shrinking characteristics of precision matrix estimators 22 - 11AM - UMdCS - Non-Equilibrium Transport Using Electron Ratchets 23 - 10AM - UMdBS - BISI Master's Defense: Haley Wight 10:30AM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Cloud Computing: Algorithms and Applications 3:30PM - UMdPS - Energy transfer and electron energization in collisionless magnetic reconnection for different guide-field intensities 24 - 11AM - UMdCS - Enhancing the Dimensionality of Lipidomics for Studies of Antibiotic Resistance 1AM - UMdBS - VMS 4PM - UMdBS - PSL 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group 25 - 10AM - UMdBS - Biological connectivity of wetland and stream habitats on the Delmarva Peninsula using aquatic Macroinvertebrates 7PM - BUGSS - Biodiversity of the Chesapeake Bay 8PM - PSW - Wearable Biosensors 28 - 3PM - UMdCS - Fighting Bad Bugs with Old Antibiotics and New Targets 29 - 11AM - UMdCS 3:30PM - UMdBS - ANSC 4PM - UMdPS - Hawking radiation in a laboratory? 31 - 11AM - UMdBS - VMS 12:30PM - UMdBS - BISI Dissertation Seminar: Da Yin 3PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP 3:30PM - UMdES - The Effect of Different Cloud Classes on Earth's Radiation Budget 4PM - UMdBS - PSL 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group 7:30PM - ASG - Light Pollution February 1 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Multisensory Foundations of Infant Speech Perception and Early Word Learning 3 - 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 5 - 4PM - UMdPS - The Laboratory for Physical Sciences: Past, Present, and Future 8PM - STScI - Your Place in the Stars 7 - 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group 8 - 8PM - PSW - Supersymmetry and Multi-Dimensional Spacetimes 9 - 1:30PM - NCAS - debunking DARPA myths 7:30PM - NCA - Pulsar Timing Arrays Look for Mergers of Super-Massive Black Holes 12 - 12:30PM - UMdBS - Estimating and using epigenetic clocks in bats 4PM - UMdPS - Totally Random: Why Nobody Understands Quantum Mechanics 7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting 14 - 12:30PM - UMdPS - Time-delayed optoelectronic oscillators: theory and applications 17 - 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 20 - 8PM - NASM - Lava Worlds to Living Worlds How a NASA Mission Sparked the Search for Life Beyond the Solar System (ticket required) 21 - 6:30PM - DASER - Botany (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - HAL - Ring rain and tar polluting Saturn: a new understanding of the interactions between Saturn and its rings. 22 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Exercise builds a stress resilient brain noon - UMdBS - Gene drive and gene drive technologies as insect pest management tools. 8PM - PSW - Neural Mapping 26 - 11AM - Protein:protein recognition: Ubiquitin Proteasome-degradation (UPS) System and Membrane Surface Complexes from the Ras-family 28 - 3:30PM - UMdES - Assimilation of Microwave Observations in the Rain-bands of Tropical Cyclones March 8 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Neural circuits of aggression 8PM - PSW - Blockchain in Commerce 9 - 7:30PM - NCA - NICER: What - besides neutrons- is inside neutron stars? 21 - 6:30PM - DASER - Representing the Invisible (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - HAL - Out of this World Astronomy: The Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-A2 22 - 8PM - PSW - Speakers on Venus 26 - 4PM - UMdPS - Science and National Security 29 - noon - UMdBS - Satellites, Drones, Sensors, and Robots: Novel Tools For Insect Population Management