
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 07:05, 3 March 2018 by (talk) (update)

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. March 2018 5 - noon - UMdBS - The Evolution of Self-fertility in Caenorhabditis Nematodes 12:30PM - UMdPS - Building the Dynamical Diquark Model for Exotic Hadrons 2PM - UMdMS - Modular Koszul duality for the Hecke category 4:30PM - UMdSS - Relativistic electrons in the sloshing cores of galaxy clusters: observations of radio minihalos 8PM - UMd. Obs. - Recycling Crustal Bits on Earth and Europa 6 - 11AM - UMdCS - Discovering New Antiviral Inhibitors Targeting an ESCRT Protein by NMR UMdCSS - Effectiveness of Local Search in Machine Learning noon - NOAA - Pacific salmon in hot water: past, present and future of thermal diversity in rivers 2PM - UMdMS - Deep Geometric Learning and Data Fusion 3:15PM - UMdMS - Non-Uniformly Hyperbolic Flows and Shadowing 3:30PM - UMdMS - Nonlocal transport modeling: statistical foundations and applications UMdES - SS 4PM - UMdPS - What would Thomas Malthus tell us in the 21st Century? Experiences in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus from an International Development Perspective UMdMS - Deformations of Rings 8PM - STScI - Mapping the United Federation of Planets: An Astronomer's Guide to the Galaxy 7 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Asymptotic performance of port-based teleportation Spam, Drugs, and Diesel: An Evidence-Based Approach to Computer Security UMdGcS noon - NOAA - Risk Factors for Seabird Bycatch in the Hawaii Pelagic Longline Tuna Fishery 1PM - An Introduction to Orbifolds 2PM - UMdMS - Designing dynamical maps of molecular systems with Statistical Mechanics and predictive Artificial Intelligence 3PM - UMdMS - An Introduction to Condensed Matter Field Theory for Mathematicians AND Implementation of Data Assimilation (LETKF) on the Lorenz '63 System 4:05PM - UMdSS - The Galactic Atmosphere: the Gaseous Halo of the Milky Way 8 - 11AM - UMdBS - The Effect of Bacterial Biofilm on Virulence, and on Host Colonization vs Disease UMdCS - SS UMdCSS - The Theoretical Perspectives on Interactive Information Retrieval noon - NOAA - Understanding and Reconciling Recent Observations of Global Temperatures 12:30PM - UMdPS - AD 2PM - NOAA - The State Plane Coordinate System: History, Policy, Future Directions UMdMS - Automorphisms of the shift: entropy and the dimension representation 3:30PM - UMdES - The elephant in the room: Rapid population growth 4PM - UMdBS - CRISPR/Cas Genome Editing Systems in Plants UYMdMS - Mean curvature flow and Milnor fibers continued 9 - 10AM - UMdBS - Dynamic 3D Scene Representation 11AM - UMdCSS noon - UMdBS - Neural codes for the sense of taste UMdES - ACBBT 3:30PM - SCBI - When form meets function: the influence of sperm shape on sperm aggregation behavior in Peromyscus rodents 7PM - BUGSS - What Google search data reveal about our interest in climate change 8PM - PSW - Eclipses: Using Shadows to Shed New Light 10 - 3PM - HacDC - yearly meeting 7:30PM - NCA - Why send spacecraft to comets? 11 - 7PM - NoVAC - Origin of the Earth and Moon 12 - noon - UMdES - Assessment of Uncertainties in the MODIS Cryosphere Product Suite 4PM - UMdBpS - The mechanics of leukocyte extravasation and subsequent migration through the three-dimensional extracellular matrix 13 - 11AM - UMdCS - Solution Dynamics and Inhibitor Promiscuity of Tyrosine Kinases UMdCSS - Computational Algorithms and Theories for Learning with Big Data noon - NOAA - Methane Variation Over Terrestrial And Marine Arctic Areas (2010-2016): IASI Satellite Data 1PM - RSC ST (registration required) 3:30PM - UMdES - SS 6PM - Nerds In NoMa - "I'm Totally Starting a Podcast": Learning to love the mic NAS - Branches from the Same Tree (registration & photo ID required - 7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting 13-14 - NAS - Creativity and Collaboration: Revisiting Cybernetic Serendipity (registration & photo ID required - 14 - 11AM - UMdGcS UMdCSS - CLIP Research Highlights: Embedding Senses and Reinforcement Learning with no Incremental Feedback noon - UMdBS - The Role of Selective Cell Adhesion in specifying neural circuits 3:15PM - UMdMS 4:05PM - UMdSS - Exploring the Inner Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei by Reverberation 7:30PM - HacDC - amateur radio 8PM - NASM - The Earliest Galaxies: Exploring Cosmic Sunrise with Hubble, Spitzer, and JWST (ticket required) 15 - 11AM - UMdCS UMdCSS - Methods and Systems for Understanding Large-Scale Internet Threats 12:30PM - UMdBS - The Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus and its Neurotoxin Arsenal UMdPS - Optimal control of networks: energy scaling and open challenges 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 4:30PM - UMdMS 6PM - DASER - Creativity and Collaboration: Revisiting Cybernetic Serendipity (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - HAL - Radio pulsars: electric stars 15-16 - Library of Congress - Imagining the Extraordinary: Scientific Illustration from the Renaissance to the Digital Age ( - free tickets) 16 - noon - UMdBS - Beyond the Red Queen: are elevated parasite evolutionary rates driven by host shifts? UMdES - ACBBT 3PM - UMdGS - The Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure 3:15PM - UMdMS 3:30PM - SCBI - Population models of cats and birds in the urban jungle 20 - noon - NOAA - Wave Energy-Based Guidance for Siting Living Shorelines 3:30PM - UMdES - SS 7PM - RSC 8PM - UMd. Obs. - The Spring Sky 21 - 11AM - UMdCSS - QuICS 22 - 6:30PM - CI NLS - When Earth Attacks: Causes and Consequences of a Tectonic Planet (registration recommended) 23 - noon - UMdES - ACBBT 3:30PM - SCBI - Victims or hosts? Disease, social behavior, and long-distance migration in the American crow 8PM - PSW - Earth's Earliest Life Written in Stone 26 - 11AM - UMdCSS 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS 6:30PM - DCSC - An Ode to Saturn 27 - 11AM - UMdCS - SS UMdCSS - The great power of AI: Algorithmic mirrors of individuals and society 3:30PM - UMdES - Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water-Filled Crevasse Hydrologic State 28 - 11AM - UMdGcS UMdCSS - CLIP noon-7PM - NASM - Steven F. Udvar=Hazy Center Open House 3:15PM - UMdMS 4:05PM - UMdSS - Rattle and Shine: Joint Detection of Gravitational Waves and Light from the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 29 - 11AM - UMdCS UMdCSS - Interactive Fabrication and Fabrication for Interaction noon - NOAA - Mapping Tidal Wetlands and Their Losses on the U.S. West Coast: New Methods, New Insights 2PM - UMdPS - Thermodynamics of melting, freezing and superconductivity UMdBS - Optimization Framework for Network Annotation 3:30PM - UMdES - The Economic Costs of Pollution: Estimates from the 2015 Global Burden of Disease 6:30PM - CI CSE - The Secret Lives of Dinosaurs (registration required) 7:30PM - ASG 30 - noon - UMdBS - Cover crops as Insectary Plants: Impacts on natural enemies and their potential for conservation biological control UMdES - ACBBT 3PM - UMdGS - Amphibious seismic structure of the Cascadia subduction zone 3:30PM - SCBI - Towards using microbiomes to diagnose health of marine mammals April 2 - 4PM - UMdBpS - Computational Modeling of DNA Organization: From Nucleosomes to Chromatin Fibers to Chromosomes 3 - 11AM - UMdCS - Seeing is Believing: Inner Workings of DNA Replication and Recombination UMdCSS - Interactive systems for code and data demography 3:30PM - UMdES - Investigating the causes for the unusual southwestward motion of Hurricane Joaquin (2015) through analysis of a forecast ensemble spread 8PM - STScI - The Plumes of Europa 5 - 10:30AM - UMdPS - Holographic nature of Feynman integral and its evaluation noon - NOAA - Mapping Sea Level Rise Impacts to Oregon's Tidal Wetlands: Tools for Climate Change Adaptation 3:30PM - UMdES - 2015-2016 El Nino and its impact on the carbon cycle 8PM - UMd. Obs. - Solar system science with the Zwicky Transient facility all-sky survey 6 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Conservation genomics for black-footed ferrets and/or African antelopes 8PM - PSW - Cube Sats 7 - 6:30PM - MAA - Mathematical Card Tricks (registration requested) 7-8 - USASEF 10 - 3:30PM - UMdES - WRF Simulations of Land Surface Temperatures During the 2007 Valentine's Day Storm AND Radial wind assimilation for improved short-term precipitation forecasts 6PM - Nerds in NoMa - The Games We Play: Recreation in the urban space 13 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Computational Approaches to Biodiversity Informatics: From Crayfish to Rhinos 14 - 7:30PM - NCA - Planets Without Stars 17 - 11AM - UMdCS - The C9orf72 Nucleotide Repeat Expansion and Neurodegeneration: A Tale of Two Toxicities 2PM - NOAA - NOAA Institutional Repository Seminar: Using the NOAA IR as a research tool 3:30PM - UMdES - Water vapor transport and near-surface salinity contrasts in the North Atlantic Ocean 16 - 3PM - UMdGS - The Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure 18 - 8PM - NASM - Is Astronomy Ready for the James Webb Space Telescope? (ticket required) 19 - 6:30PM - CI NLS - Eyes on the Universe: Carnegie's Leadership in Astronomy Today (registration recommended) 7PM - HAL - Mercury/MESSENGER Mission 20 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Genomic insights into bird speciation in the tropical Pacific 8PM - UMd. Obs. - The Rosetta Mission to Orbit and Land on a Comet 22 - noon-5PM - Rockville Science Day 25 - 1PM - APS - Prospects for Life and Human Habitability 4:05PM - UMdSS - From One to Two Dimensional Interstellar Carbon: A Synthesis of Laboratory, Observations, and Theory 6:30PM - CI CSE - Hope for People and the Ocean (registration required) 26 - 6:30PM - MAA - A Glimpse at the Horizon (registration requested) 27 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Dual transcriptomics of birds with malaria 30 - 4PM - UMdBpS - The emergence of contractility in biological fiber networks May 1 - 8PM - STScI - Gravitational Wave Astronomy 2 - NOAA - Nutrient Biogeochemistry of Vatia Bay, American Samoa: Variability, Sources and Effects 4 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Is it time to flower? Molecular ecology and pathways of dispersal in foxtail millet 8 - 11AM - UMdCS - Histone Ubiquination in Transcription Regulation 9 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Deep Earth Through a Diamond Looking Glass (registration required) 11 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Losing not choosing? Reconstructing the evolution of female and male bird song 12 - 7:30PM - NCA - Relativistic Jets Stir Things Up 16 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Chasing the High Fliers: Radar Studies of Insect Migration 17 - 7PM - HAL - Astrophotography From Down Under 18 - 8PM - PSW - Lectures on Cassini 23 - noon - NOAA - A Preview of 2018 Fieldwork for Southeast Deep Coral Initiative and It's Management Implications 6:30PM - CI CSE - The Future of Cybersecurity: Winning the War (registration required) 8PM - NASM - The Hubble Space Telescope: Opening Cosmic Doors for JWST (ticket required) 24 - noon - NOAA - New Models and Analysis of Deep-sea Corals to Support Essential Fish Habitat Designations in the Gulf of Mexico 6:30PM - CI NLS - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: How High Pressure and Supercomputers Will Shape Materials of the Future (registration recommended) 30 - noon - NOAA - Managers, modelers, and measuring the impact of species distribution model uncertainty on marine zoning decisions. June 12 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves (registration required) 19 - 2PM - NOAA - NOAA Institutional Repository Seminar: Cooperative Institutes and Grantees 20 - 8PM - NASM - The Historical Quest to See to the End of the Universe... Or Its Beginning (ticket required) 21 - 7PM - HAL - Tips on Observing Mars During the 2018 Opposition