Category talk:HacDC Info
From HacDC Wiki
The following uncommented, poorly structured bash/perl script downloads all the pages under and greps through them for mentions of bylaws, standing, and rule, helpful if you want to search through old meeting minutes. Can be modified for other purposes. It sucks but it probably works. Requires the HTML::LinkExtractor perl module and elinks or w3m.
- !/bin/bash
get_links() {
perl -E ' use HTML::LinkExtractor; use Data::Dumper;
local $/; my $input = <STDIN>; #chomp( $input ); my $LX = new HTML::LinkExtractor(); $LX->strip(1);
my @links = @{$LX->links};
foreach my $link ( @links ){ $count++; last if ($link->{"href"} =~ ".*"); if ( ($link->{"href"} =~ /.*index.php.*/) && !($link->{"_TEXT"} =~ "/^\s*$/")){ my $href = $link->{"href"}; $href =~ s/.*http/http/; print "$href \n"; # > page.$count \n"; } } __END__ '
- uastr="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) Chrome/41.0.2226.0 Safari/537.36"
- baseurl=""
cd "$path" || exit; set -v
- can use w3m instead of elinks. maybe also lynx or links?
elinks -source $url | get_links | sed "s/^/http\:\/\/wiki\.hacdc\.org/g" | while read -r line; do count=$(expr $count + 1); echo "$line"; elinks -dump "$line" > "$count.txt"; done
grep rule -C 3 > rule.txt grep standing -C 3 > standing.txt grep bylaw -C 3 > bylaw.txt