Category:CNC Mill
From HacDC Wiki
- Turn on dedicated desktop computer, start Mach3.
- Turn on all three lightswitches: back of the "MicroProto Systems, MicroMill DSLS 3000" box, top of the M3/M5 box, and to the side of the mill spindle.
- "Tab" key brings up the jog controls.
- MDI tab in Mach3 allows manual G-Code entry. This is useful for commanding the mill to specific locations (eg. g0 x0 y0 z5) .
- Gently change mill bits with crescent wrenches. Finger tight is often sufficient.
- Turn off all three power switches noted above.
- Shutdown dedicated computer.
- Please cleanup the mill area and place tooling back into the mill toolbox under the bench.
Please Avoid
- Obviously, don't put your hands in hazardous places.
- Stay with the mill unless you really know what _all_ the risks are. Strange things can happen, particularly "dig-in" and g-code misinterpretation.
- Milling the mill itself (or our mounting hardware) is easily possible, and a rather expensive mistake.
- Use G91.1 with certain automatically generated G-Code files (eg. pcb2gcode, solidcam). Mach3 seems to default to absolute arc/circle center coordinates which catastrophically enlarges the arcs/circles.
Otherwise, the mill is robust and newbie friendly.
Pages in category "CNC Mill"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.