
Welcome to the HacDC Wiki

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 19:24, 11 April 2008 by Nickfarr (talk | contribs)

For more concise information on HacDC and its events, please consult our main web page and blog at

What we use this Wiki for

  • Collaboration: Wikis excel at collaboration. Wikis are made up of a series of unique pages with evolving content. A Wiki, as a whole is an organic means of organizing a chaotic lot of information among a vast group of people. It's also the best way for us to share our efforts with the rest of the world.
  • Content Management: Wikis can hold a lot of content. Instead of trying to implement a complex CMS, assigning permissions, worrying about anonymous FTP, etc., we just say "throw it on the wiki".
  • Reference: Who we are, What we do/did, When we do/did it, Where we do/did it, Why we do/did it and How we do/did it are all here. From our policies to our projects, it's all here somewhere.

What we DO NOT use this Wiki for

  • Home Page: Our home page is designed to quickly inform and promote HacDC to the outside world. We can embed static content into a regular homepage much more easily and safely than we can in a wiki.
  • Promotion: That's why our | blog exists, to keep people informed on HacDC's projects and events.
  • Discussion: That's what e-mail and IRC are for. While we encourage the active use of talk pages for specific project collaboration, we encourage group discussion through e-mail lists and our IRC channel.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

Getting started