
Batch III

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Revision as of 23:56, 13 May 2013 by DanBarlow (talk | contribs) (Batch III May 20 2013)
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May 20 Expiration

Edit to provide your name and suggested donation. Leave prior edits in place so we can judge interest. If there is no interest in an item by May 20 2013 it will go through the scavenge->dispose process. Pictures

  1. Tandy Color Computer 2 / 64k
  2. Vex and Futaba remote controls
  3. Firebird Phantom RC plane (1 bad channel)
  4. SGI Indigo2 (with drive)
  5. Digital Galaxy 1100 color HP UX 19.10 laptop
  6. Samsung laser printer (no toner cartrige)
  7. Laser Compumate I computer
  8. Field phone with hand crank and ringer
  9. Phone/LAN line tone generator test tools
  10. NEXTEL phone handset for car phone
  11. Light colored roundish dial phone
  12. Black roundish antique phone
  13. Black squarish antique phone
  14. Princess bedside phone reproduction
  15. Empty equipment case with broken handle (good for building projects into)
  16. Texas Instruments ROM "Mathematics"
  17. 2213 model oscilloscope "Does not focus well"
  18. 2213 model oscilloscope "Auto focus does not sharpen beam well"
  19. Giant box of cable making shields, shells, connectors etc. for 50 pin and other weird connectors
  20. Beseler VU-GRAPH overhead projector needs ENX bulbs
  21. Commodore COLT PC-compatible PC