
Regular Member Meeting 2012 07 10

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Revision as of 00:07, 11 July 2012 by Sitwon (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

July 10, 2012

Meeting called to order at __7:40__ by: Brad

Members Present: Brad, Steve, Alberto, Martin, Andy, Dan, Dave, Richard, Adam, Andrew, Nick, Chris, Ben, ITG, The Doctor, Tim S, Eric, Todd

Others Present: Tim, Nancy, Lonie, Jumoke

Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2012 06 12


Director Reports

President's Report

Nothing to report.

Vice President's Report

Byzantium is doing awesome and excited for HOPE. Going to start organizing fundraising for the space.

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for June 2012: File:HacDC Financials 2012 06.pdf Debits from our rent checks have finally hit so our balance is back to normal. We have four months' expenses in reserve not counting the money earmarked for special projects.

Maybe it is the heat, but we had five non-paying members in June and also lost two members (Scott Robbins and Daniel Ternes), while adding no members. There are 2-5 other members who may be dropping in July so net income will be reduced going forward until we pick up some new members. Our expenses are running $2750/mo which is 55 members, not counting the generous additional donations we continue to receive from some members. Adjusting for the rent payments we netted ~$300 in June, which is about what we are getting in additional member donations.

Quorum is 14 right now considering the two members who have already dropped in July.

I met with our insurance agent and underwriter at the space. They thought we were mis-characterized as an office-style non-profit in our original policy. The underwriter said we sounded more like a community educational group and there shouldn't be a problem getting a new policy, but I haven't heard back with more details. They were very concerned about woodworking and sawdust, which is a big fire risk.

Director-at-Large Reports





Member Reports

Brad: Going to organize locksport events.

Alberto: Going to attend an advanced manufacturing seminar at DARPA.

Ben: Going to have a goodbye event for Alli, details will be on the mailing list.

Richard: Prosthetic body parts.

Andrew: Making awesome videos to show off the space

ITG: Twilio! Todd is going to use his credits to pay for it. We'll keep the existing number.

Old Business


New Business

Do we want to sign Declaration of Internet Freedom as an organization?

New Members


Adjourned at: