Robotics Class 2011/Assignment 3
From HacDC Wiki
Write a ROS node that subscribes to the "/face_coords" topic and uses the information provided in that topic to move the robot base by publishing messages on the "/cmd_vel" topic. The goal of the assignment is to build a face tracker that attempts to move the robot to keep faces centered in the camera frame.
First, you must install gazebo and be able to run the simple gazebo empty world launch script. The simple command to start gazebo is:
roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch
It may help to follow the ROS instructions here in order to install and get gazebo running.
The next step will be to make sure you have the gazebo_erratic_plugins. These are extensions to gazebo to support differential drive robots (like the iRobot Create) that have two driven wheels. If you installed the ROS installation using Synaptic, you can search Synaptic for "erratic" and you should see a package named ros-diamondback-erratic-robot. You will want to install this package through Synaptic. Once that is complete, you can proceed to checking out the HacDC robot simulation:
cd to where you store your downloaded ROS packages svn co rosmake irobotron_description