
Robotics Class 2011/Assignment 1

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Assignment 1 for the Robotics Class 2011

Write a ROS node that subscribes to the "sensorPacket" topic (a message of type irobot_create_2_1/SensorPacket), and uses values from within this packet to represent the emotional state of the robot. You will then publish the robot emotional state via publishing a message of type robot_emotions/EmotionalState with the topic name "robot_emotions".

You can explore the structure of the two above message types by using rosmsg show in the following way: rosmsg show robot_emotions/EmotionalState rosmsg show irobot_create_2_1/SensorPacket

In order to obtain the definition of the robot_emotions/EmotionalState message, you will need to check out the robot_emotions ROS package from the HacDC ROS repository:

cd to where you store your downloaded ROS packages svn co rosmake robot_emotions