
Regular Member Meeting 2010 09 14

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Revision as of 08:17, 24 November 2010 by Yrewevaca (talk | contribs)

Note: This page serves as the 2010-09-14 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

September 14, 2010 Meeting called to order at 7:37:09 by President Packer.

Members Present: Daniel P, Katie B, Redbeard, Todd F, Tim B, Darius R, Will , Arc R, Andy W, Sean, Dan, Allen, Brad, Allen, Richard B, Phil S, Chris, Eric M,

Others Present: Tim C

Quorum met? Yes.

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2010 08 10

Director Reports

President's Report

Moved to NYC. Will be doing ongoing support for IT stuff, but will pass on the knowledge of HacDC systems to the server admin team. Lightning talks had a volunteer to continue them. Would like to see that continue with HacDC in the future. Membership should continue to be a focus for HacDC. That seems to be happening.

Treasurer's Report

HacDC Transaction Detail by Account August 2010

BBT Checking

08/02/2010 Journal Entry 18 painting supplies -SPLIT- -58.17 -58.17

08/03/2010 Journal Entry 19 pos -SPLIT- -7.95 -66.12

08/06/2010 Journal Entry 20 tipjar -SPLIT- 183.00 116.88

08/12/2010 Transfer Paypal 2,000.00 2,116.88

08/16/2010 Check 1093 St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church rent and inet Rent or Lease -2,020.00 96.88

08/17/2010 Check 1095 Tim Slagle parts supply Supplies -500.00 -403.12

08/17/2010 Journal Entry 21 pos -SPLIT- -100.38 -503.50

08/17/2010 Journal Entry 22 insurance -SPLIT- -7.53 -511.03

08/24/2010 Check 1096 Arc Riley pizza for painting Meals and Entertainment -43.01 -554.04

08/27/2010 Journal Entry 23 quickbooks -SPLIT- -10.55 -564.59

Total for BBT Checking $ -564.59


Total for Paypal $ -443.18

Membership Dues

Total for Membership Dues $1,544.00

Non Profit Income

Total for Non Profit Income $12.68


08/17/2010 Journal Entry 22 -SPLIT- 7.53 7.53

Total for Insurance $7.53

Meals and Entertainment

08/06/2010 Journal Entry 20 -SPLIT- -183.00 -183.00

08/24/2010 Check 1096 Arc Riley BBT Checking 43.01 -139.99

Total for Meals and Entertainment $ -139.99

Office Expenses

08/02/2010 Journal Entry 18 -SPLIT- 58.17 58.17

08/03/2010 Journal Entry 19 -SPLIT- 7.95 66.12

08/17/2010 Journal Entry 21 -SPLIT- 100.38 166.50

08/27/2010 Journal Entry 23 -SPLIT- 10.55 177.05

Total for Office Expenses $177.05

Rent or Lease

08/16/2010 Check 1093 St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church BBT Checking 2,020.00 2,020.00

Total for Rent or Lease $2,020.00


08/17/2010 Check 1095 Tim Slagle BBT Checking 500.00 500.00

Total for Supplies $500.00

Interest Earned

08/14/2010 Journal Entry 24 -SPLIT- 0.14 0.14

Total for Interest Earned $0.14

HacDC Balance Sheet As of August 31, 2010


Current Assets

Bank Accounts

BBT Checking 5,178.41

Total Bank Accounts $5,178.41

Other Current Assets

Paypal 1,393.16

Undeposited Funds 0.00

Total Other Current Assets $1,393.16

Total Current Assets $6,571.57

Other Assets

Rent Security Deposits 850.00

Total Other Assets $850.00

TOTAL ASSETS $7,421.57

The POS still exists. The solution at this time is to cancel the bank account and open a new account. Ben Stanfield asked if this could happen before 9/17 so we don't face yet another $100 charge. The treasurer agreed to this.

The treasurer is going to work on charts for the next meeting to get a sense of revenue and expenditures.

Vice President's Report

Have a genius idea for a class next month.

Secretary's Report

Katie is involved in the membership spreadsheet. Going through the new member minutes to update the membership rosters.

There are bedbugs in the space. Please be vigilant about taking stuff home and bringing things into the space. If you see one, press a piece of tape on it, and then throw it away.

Director-at-Large Reports


Eat some cupcakes. They're vegan. Apologies for Facebook sending extra meeting invites. We have a movie night past Saturday that was sparsely attended, but popular with the atendees. Spaceblimp talk is coming up, and the week after that will be a robotic ocean sampler talk. An article about us was published in the Hoya, the Georgetown newspaper late last week. Maker Faire is coming up.


Would like to see more project content on the website. Have been doing some resilient community work. Needs the PDF's of the flyers that were developed.

Member Reports

Syllabus for the distilling class I'm working on is coming along. Should be ready soon.


Looking into tiered memberships.

Tom C.

Lathe class is coming soon. Hope to have it done shortly.

Dan B.

Went to the Southeast laser enthusiast's meeting. There was a group buy of blue diodes. Met Steve Roberts who wrote the LASER FAQ. Some new LASER related museum pieces. Went to a fantasy convention with low thermosomethingorother plastics to mold.

We have been working on lab power supplies in the space with extremely precise voltage and current.

Arc R

The church now has a new security system. One of our boxes is now the security system with recording capacity. As of yesterday, we have four out of five planned occupancy sensors in place. Came up with some new templates for scale calibration.

Red Beard

Two events in the past week with over 100 new people in the space: Cooking with Geeks book talk, and Skylar's lock-picking class. He donated an entire lock set to HacDC to encourage the formation of a lock club.

Tim C

Martin, Tim and others went to a machinists group with people who really know metal working and like to train. There was interest about helping us get setup with a CNC for approximately $2K that we might be able to finance with public donations, not current funds.

Open lock nights. Fridays or Saturdays.

Old Business

New Business

Election of New President

Tim Ball nominated Red Beard. Todd F seconded. Accepted.

Red Beard nominated Elliot, William seconded. Accepted via video.

Arc nominated Bradley, Allen seconded. Accepted.

There were short statements, a question period, and the vote.

The vote was clear in the first counting, and RedBeard is the new HacDC president.

Proposal for Brochure Printing

Ben Stanfield has suggested a budget of $300 to produce several hundred HacDC Brochures for publicity purposes.

Motion failed.

New Members

Toast, Richard, and Richard, Tim C, Ederlyn


Adjourned at 9:25.