
Regular Member Meeting 2009 12 08

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 23:11, 8 December 2009 by (talk)

Note: This page, in a change from our previous practice, serves as the 2009-12-08 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

December 8, 2009 Meeting called to order at ? PM by President

Members Present: Ben S,


Quorum ?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting Minutes 2009 11 10

Minister Reports

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Vice President's Report

Secretary's Report

Make: Money program details were received last week. There will soon be a form on the website where you can subscribe to Make: Magazine through HacDC and we'll get 1/2 of your subscription fee.

Member Reports

Tim B

timball bought a glue gun and has a receipt for $12.63

also pants are good!

timball's friend Josh Ruihley wants to buy a Nabaztag

Old Business

New Business

  • Election of a director at-large (to replace the resigned member)
  • Approval of paying PayPal fees for magazine subscriptions through the HacDC website
  • Creation of annual report (Copy Writing and Scribus Work)
  • Donation for the Church Guard for a holiday gift.
  • Proposal to retain legal representation for HacDC and the board. The board should be asked to report on the legal consequences of playing an unlicensed movie at the next membership meeting.


  • Proposal to ban any books or other printed material from HacDC that are not in the public domain. The method of disposal shall not be specified in this motion, but the consensus of the group is that burning all the books is the appropriate way to dispose of any potential legal claims from copyright holders. The board should be asked to report on the consequences of not immediately destroying all printed material that is not in the public domain at the next membership meeting.
  • Proposal to immediately unplug the Internet connection at HacDC because someone may use it to download a digital file they do not own the copyright to, including the HacDC website. The board should be asked to report on the consequences of not immediately disconnecting HacDC from the Internet at the next membership meeting.
  • Proposal to hire a 24 hour security guard and a lawyer to seize any materials under copyright from any person entering the HacDC space, including all analog and digital materials that are capable of storing copyright materials, even if after a thorough search, no copyrighted work is found. This includes computers, cell phones, iPods, books, magazines, purses, wallets, pants, etc. The board should be asked to report on the consequences of not immediately hiring the security guard and lawyer.
  • Proposal to hire an additional 24 hour security guard and lawyer combo to ensure that no person entering the HacDC space has in their possession any materials at all with an identifiable trademark visible, including clothing, accessories, bags, shoes, electronics, etc. The board should be asked to report on the consequences of not immediately hiring the security guard and lawyer.
  • Proposal to allow any security guard or lawyer employed by HacDC to perform searches, for any reason at any time, of any and all persons present or attempting to gain access of the HacDC space. Searches could include, but would not be limited to, pocket checks, full body frisking, and cavity searches. The board should be asked to report on the legal consequences of not sufficiently searching everyone attempting to gain access to the HacDC space.
  • Proposal to immediately shut down the HacDC website due to the fact that the copyright for the Drupal code is not in the public domain, and while it is licensed under the GPL, the GPL is not entirely proven in the court and this could open HacDC up to all sorts of legal consequences. The board should be asked to report on the legal consequences of continuing to operate the HacDC website at the next membership meeting.
  • Proposal to immediately bar all cameras, video recorders microphones, and any and all other analog or digital recording devices from the HacDC premises due to the potential of such devices to record copyrighted material or trademarks in the HacDC space that were not addressed in the series of proposals above.
