
Regular Member Meeting 2024 05 14

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 00:54, 15 May 2024 by Razorrider7 (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

Date 2024-05-14
Members present:
Members remote: Obi, Liz, Chris, Gabe, Sven
Others present: Brock, Tony, Deb, Maddie

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Obi Moves to approve, and Liz seconded


Chris for Google Workspace "spring cleaning" Shoutout Liz for getting Sven into radios, Sven got his Callsign!!! Shoutout to Obi for signing a supporting letter for the church (for the grant for the boiler)

New Members

Brock - Approved! Maddie - Approved!

Old Business

Policy in place for using dangerous equipment:

  • Possibly assign a person to each piece of equipment to approve
  • Restrict to members
    • Restricting members for this meeting and requiring a release form, Obi will draft up a policy for approval and a release form for the future.

Make Open Project Night more visitor-friendly

  • Add some structure
  • Make sure people feel welcome, nametags, introducing ourselves
  • Make sure there are two people in the space (Going to be Christopher and Liz, Sven when possible)

Update Bylaws for Membership to clarify requirements for other membership tiers

  • Qualifying Life Events that can cause monetary hardship.
  • Revisiting next month

The parking lot will be inaccessible sometime this year due to construction in the neighboring lot (The church is unsure of dates, should let us know when ``they`` are updated)

TLDR: Comcast pricing sucks - Gabriel reached out to check pricing, no discounts for nonprofits, business line only. We will look into [1], highly recommended by Chris and Kyle

New Business

DC Tool Library - Searching for a fiscal sponsor

  • Looking for a nonprofit to sponsor (basically just looking for another organization to extend their 501c3 benefits, such as collecting donations)
  • Open Collective's fiscal sponsor organization is closing, so DC Tool Library has until the end of September (end of July due date)
  • Gabriel doesn't expect a large increase in work (would still need to look more into it)
  • Obi and Chris think this would be a good idea to at least look into more
  • Will try to make a breakout group to go over thoughts, learn more

Discord changes

  • Add rules/harassment policy on joining the server

Update BoD Email on the website - Specify what goes to the BoD Email and what goes to Discord

Potential Venmo account - Looking for a way to allow small donations outside of PayPal

  • Would require a phone number to be attached to the account

Renewal of hotspot - Mobile Citizen

  • Renewal deadline has passed, out of service currently
  • Currently on church's internet, but would be super useful in case of outages

Discuss HAM Club HacDC Relationship

  • Hosting event on 18th to make exams
  • HAM club doesn't help pay the lease, and charges for remote access
  • Would like some more keys, said someone would be around on Monday to talk about this, but nobody stopped by

DMV Petry Dish

  • Looking for HacDC to send a letter to vouch for them

The church looking for a grant to fix the boiler

  • Reached out to ask for a signature on a supporting letter for a grant

Will be tucking kitchen equipment into the hallway near the

Resin 3D Printer/Health Hazards

  • Make sure to put a sign or something stating it is dangerous and not to be used unless approved
    • Could be adding a label or a sticker to the item along with putting a warning on the front door with the different sticker meanings


Ajourned by Obi, Seconded by Chris