
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 04:49, 23 April 2024 by Gippgig (talk | contribs) (CI)

Apr. 29 4PM UMdBpS - Does adaptive immunity physically learn? May 3 8PM PSW - Unexplained Aerial Phenomena 6 4PM UMdBpS - Structural elucidation of the oncomiR-1 RNA 8 7PM CI - The Purpose of Pain (registration) 9 3:30PM UMdES - Subseasonal to seasonal Earth system prediction/predictability 11 7:30PM NCA - A STEREO view of the Sun 17 8PM PSW - Resurrecting the Unrecoverable Reading the Herculaneum Papyri using X-ray CT and AI 31 8PM PSW - Fukushima Health Effects June 8 7:340PM NCA - Science Fair Winners 14 8PM PSW - Returning Humans to the Moon How the United States Can Actually Get There Instead of Watching China Do It