Regular Member Meeting 2023 12 12
From HacDC Wiki
Time and Location
- Date 2023-12-12
- Called to order at ??? pm by ???
- Members present:
- Members remote:
- Others present:
- Quorum
- Quorum met?
Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes
New Members
Old Business
New Business
Member Reports
President's Report
Vice President's Report
Treasurer's Report
Secretary's Report
Changes this month:
- Ori brought in cable sheaths and small parts bins; also launched a Raspberry Pi.
- Oby repaired our classroom printers.
- Chris brought in spare PLA, and a couple Ubiquiti routers.
- Callie rearranged near the back wall and basement, also unearthed and then broke the iMac.
- Upcoming "Rebuild" schedule on; proposed language:
``` A number of issues are occurring on and; this is a large problem for a group of coding engineers, and a large shame-on-me as a board member.
As 2024 begins, our group should be ready to launch a new and much-upgraded copy of our dear online domain. This is a large challenge though; heed the dangers. Our old pages from WordPress need to be publicly backed up and screened for republication. Many images need to be dug up from the linux box running our wiki, where they're no longer rendering. Our graphic designs should include a bunch of room to expand our operations, including a means of bringing the cherished occupancy sensor back online.
Plus, hardly anyone has seen the hackerspace in the morning sun. Rise and shine. ```
Director-at-Large Reports
Don / Brian
Adjourned by at ??? by ???