
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 01:35, 24 January 2023 by Gippgig (talk | contribs) (UMdMS)

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. Jan. 24 3:30PM UMdMS - Accurate error bounds in finite element approximations and a posteriori error analysis 26 10AM UMdPS - To learn and cancel quantum noise: Probabilistic error cancellation with sparse Pauli-Lindblad models on noisy quantum processors 12:30PM UMdPS - Wave-matter interaction at the Exceptional Point 3:30 UMdES - Climate Model Projections from the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) of CMIP6 6:30 DASER - Arctic Ice: A Visual Archive of a Unique Collaboration (registration, photo ID, & proof of COVID-19 vaccination required) 7:30 ASG - The New Horizons Mission After Pluto 27 3:15PM UMdMS - Recognizing groups and fields in Erdos geometry and model theory 28 3PM BUGSS - iGEM Information Session (free ticket) 30 3PM UMdPS - Primordial Black Holes: Formation and Statistics 4 UMdBpS - The giant nesperin-1/2 ortholog ANC-1 anchors organelles through regulating macromolecular crowding 31 3:30PM UMdMS - Optimization Problems Constrained by PDEs and Augmented Lagrangian Methods Feb. 1 11:30AM UMdSS - Zooming in 18 orders of magnitude: formation of large circumstellar disks in strongly magnetized cores 2 3:30PM UMdES - Prediction Challenges from Errors in Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Trends 7 BUGSS - iGEM Information Session (free ticket) 3 3PM UMdGS - Electrical Resistivity, Thermal Conductivity and Melting of Fe Alloys at Planetary Core Conditions 8 PSW - NASA's Science Exploration Mission Searching for Extraterrestrial Life (see COVID-19 policy) 5 7:30PM NoVAC - supernova & the future of x-ray astronomy 7 4PM UMdPS - Seeking Group Theory Mathematics for SUSY 8 6:30PM CI - Squid pro quo: Insights from a Hawaiian denizen about living with our microbial partners 9 2PM UMdPS - Flat bands in geometrically frustrated lattices 17 8PM PSW - Mayan Civilization in Northern Guatemala Extensive Settlements by Remote Sensing and Field Studies (see COVID-19 policy) 22 3PM WCDG & CASSS - Host Cell Protein Coelution - Formation of transient highly-charged MAb clusters strengthens interactions with host cell proteins and results in poor clearance of host cell proteins during downstream processing 23 7:30PM ASG - Human-Proximity Exploration of Venus March 17 8PM PSW - Comets (see COVID-19 policy) 31 8PM PSW - Lizard Evolution Lessons from Island Life (see COVID-19 policy) April 4 4PM UMdPS - Bioethics and the Rules-Based International Order 23 noon-5PM RSC - Rockville Science Day