
Regular Member Meeting 2009 04 14

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 21:33, 16 April 2009 by Katie (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

April 14, 2009 Meeting called to order at 7:40 PM by Minister of Information Katie B.

Members Present: Martin R, Todd, Serge W., Ben S., Katie B, Elliot W, Tim C, Tim B, Dave, Nick Farr (Arrived late)

Others: Greg

Quorum determined to be present.

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting Minutes 2009 03 10 were presented.

Approve without objection.

Consent Agenda

There were no items in tonight's consent agenda.

Minister Reports

Coordinator in Chief Report

Working a lot on physical infrastructure here and for the church. Wants to see several nights of the week dedicated to more topics. Press up. Think what you know, think what other people know, and convince them to share it.

Minister of Finance Report

We added one member, lost 3 but most

Income: $1279

Expenses: Rent, basement, Registered Agent $1417

Net loss: $138.

We still have outstanding receivables from a member for around $1450.00

Anticipating a reduction in Internet Access fees.

Ben moved to accept the treasurer's report.

Dave seconded.

Ben raised concerns about there being a member who's exchanging goods without paying dues every month.

Serge asked about putting the expenditures on Google apps.

Tim responded that people were concerned about using Paypal and Google apps, but he setup a mailing list to track expenditures (FinanceLogs).

The FinanceLogs mailing list will be migrated to our new hosting infrastructure soon. If you would like to subscribe to the list before the migration, email Tim.

Treasurer's report was approved without objection.

Minister of Information Report

Ironically, the minister has nothing to report.

Keeper of the MIBS Report

KMIBS asked people to sign the Bylaws Amendment approval from the bylaws amendment at the last meeting.

Member Reports

Serge W, PR Coordinator

Re-emphasizes that people need to alert him to events that are happening in the space.

There will be another reporter stopping by HacDC on April 27 to do a report. There was also a Washington Post reporter in the space April 13, 2009 and there will be an article this weekend.

Old Business

RobotFest Call for Volunteers and Projects (Ben Stanfield)

There was a question about sales tax.

Serge will have a handout.

Church Ethernet Project (Elliot Williams)

Elliot has met with the church several times about this lately. The church is going to pay for the hardware and wiring, up to $700, and we would provide the labor.

Dave wrote a really good post on Blabber about what the costs involved will be. Tim B said he has some 48 port managed Netgear switches.

It will take place April 25 (same day as RobotFest, but the church can do it then, so we need to work with them.)

We need to buy stuff for it soon, probably this week. An individual may buy it and be reimbursed by the church.

Basement Space Update (Dan Barlow)

Tim C offered to give an update. This weekend, people sorted and moved everything damageable by water off the ground. Today the space flooded, so it's good that that happened.

We need to work on the water issues, and then get the wooden shelving taken down in the upstairs space and move it for shelving downstairs.

Saturday the destruction will commence, so anyone available should come back in for that.

Martin made a motion to ask for $120 to buy 4 shelves for the basement. Tim C. 2nd.

Motion carried with no objection.

HacDC Door Entry System (Tim C)

Nothing to report.

Tuesday Seminar Series (Elliot W)

We need people lined up into the future or we need to can it. Elliot plans to relinquish the Tuesday night spaces, unless someone can step up and arrange events.

Todd offered to try to line up some speakers. Nick also offered to line up some speakers.

Ben motioned to make Todd the Tuesday Seminar Series coordinator. He will coordinate with other members to arrange speakers for the first Tuesday of every month.

Bylaws Change (Serge W)

Should we continue the process of changing some bylaws?

Serge moved to have a meeting to discuss the bylaws changes. Ben seconded.

There were no objections.

New Business

Technology Transfer and Public Funding Vehicles (Andrew G)

Not present.

Unveiling/Call for Help of new HacDC Website (Ben S)

Access to Church Calendar (Serge W)

The church calendar is gone. It has moved to an electronic calendar.

Elliot mentioned that Brian's email is on the website, as is the calendar. If anyone needs church space and it looks free, feel free to talk to Brian, or run it through Elliot.

501c3 Application status (Nick F)

The application is half done. Nick plans to finish it this week.

The application is on the wiki in sections for discussion. There should be significant discussion on the issues before the application is finalized.

Approval of any pending new member(s).

Tim nominated Greg become a member. There were no objections.

OLPC Lending Library


The meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM.