
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 00:39, 29 April 2018 by (talk) (update)

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. April 2018 30 - 11AM - UMdPS - Propagation of sound in 2D Bose gases IBBR noon - UMdBS - Eyes most numerous: The structure, function, and evolution of distributed visual systems in marine invertebrates 2PM - UMdMS - A gentle approach to the de Rham-Witt complex 2:30PM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Increasing the Accessibility of Topic Models through Visualization and Interaction 4PM - UMdBpS - The emergence of contractility in biological fiber networks UMdPS - Gravitational physics from quantum information constraints 4:30PM - UMdSS - Extreme Space Weather Events and Their Effects and Impacts May 1 - 9AM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Incorporating Stylistic Properties with Machine Translation 11AM - UMdPS - Coupled wire models of new quantum Hall states and fractional topological insulators UMdCS - Nutrient Regulation of Signaling and Transcription by )-GlcNAc UMdMS - Two problems connected to the Riemann Hypothesis 1:15PM - UMdPS - Using Long-Timescale Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Benchmark Enhanced Sampling Methods 2PM - UMdMS - Subspace methods and smallest singular value of Vandermonde matrices 3:15PM - UMdMS - Introduction to KAM Method and Conjugacy Problem 3:30PM - UMdES - SS UMdMS - Approximation diffusion and fluid limits for random kinetic equations NIP arithmetic regularity, part 2 Schlessingera's Criterion 4PM - UMdPS - Gravity and Entanglement UMdMS - Apriori estimates for scalar curvature type equations on compact Kahler manifolds 5PM - UMdEgS - Today's Strategic Cyber Challenge 8PM - STScI - Gravitational Wave Astronomy 2 - 10:45AM - UMdMS - Dynamic control: Long time, numerics, constraints and greedy methods. 11AM - UMdGcS -Concrete, Contaminants and Catfish: Altered geochemistry of the Anacostia and the promise of urban green roofs/surfaces UMdCSS - Continuum limits of Matrix Product States and irreducible forms UMdPS - Atomic-Level Characterization of Protein-Protein Association noon - NOAA - Nutrient Biogeochemistry of Vatia Bay, American Samoa: Variability, Sources and Effects UMdBS - BMS 1PM - UMdMS - Thurston's Pictures of Orbitals UMdPS - QED-corrected Lellouch-Luescher formula for K->pipi decay 2PM - UMdMS - Representations of p-adic groups The Info-Metrics Framework in Pictures NOAA - Ocean Futures Explored Using a Worldwide Suite of Ecosystem Models: how ocean acidification is more dramatic than large scale protection or dramatically altering fishing 3PM - UMdPS - The Europa Imaging System (EIS) on the Europa Clipper Mission 3:15PM - UMdMS - On a conjecture for p-torsion in class groups of number fields 4PM - UMdPS - Unlocking the Higgs Portal with Exotic Higgs Decays 4:05PM - UMdSS - Unconscious Bias and Privilege and their impacts in our community 3 - 11AM - UMdCS - SS noon - NOAA - Defining ecosystem thresholds for human activities and environmental pressures in the California Current 12:30PM - UMdBS - CBMG MOCB RIP UMdPS - Heterogenous chaotic attractors 2PM - UMdCSS - Connecting Documents, Words, and Languages Using Topic Models UMdMS - Sumca: Simple, Unified, Monte-Carlo Assisted Approach to Second-order Unbiased MSPE Estimation D UMdPS - Andreev and Majorana Weyl crossings in multi-terminal Josephson junctions 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 4PM - UMdBS - PSL 4 - 9AM - UMdMS - Mad Guys Conference 10AM - UMdBS - Cortical Circuits for Dynamic Auditory Perception and Learning noon - UMdBS - Development and evolution: Lessons from Drosophila pigmentation CBMG UMdEgS - Multifunctional Materials & Structures for Robotics UMdES - ACBBT 1PM - UMdCSS - Delta-based Storage and Querying for Versioned Datasets UMdPS - Molecularly Engineering Soft and Connective Tissue Using Biomimetic Proteoglycans 2PM - UMdMS - ANT 3:15PM - UMdMS - Stochastic nonlinear Schroedinger equations 3:30PM - SCBI - Is it time to flower? Molecular ecology and pathways of dispersal in foxtail millet 4PM - UMdPS - Quantum simulation of para-particles 8PM - PSW - Adventures in Big Data Analysis Using Astronomical Methods to Understand Housing Patterns for a Better Baltimore 5 - 9PM - UMd Obs. - Asteroid Rotation Period Results from ASTR 315 Student Research 6 - 7PM - NoVAC - Auroras! 7 - 11AM - UMdPS - Building strange metals from SYK models 11:15AM - UMdSS - The Peculiar Volatile Composition of CO-Dominated Comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS) noon - UMdBS - Complex interactions between orchids and fungi are key components of orchid conservation 4PM - UMdBpS - Dynamics of cilia: mechanical response, chirality and phenotypic variability UMdPS - Analyzing the Gamma-Ray Sky with Wavelets 8 - 11AM - UMdCS - Histone Ubiquination in Transcription Regulation noon - NOAA - Heavy Metal on the High Seas: USS Monitor and World War II Shipwrecks off the North Carolina Coast 12:30PM - UMdBS - EG 1:15PM - UMdPS - Energetics and Information Copying in Cells 3:30PM - UMdES - SS 4PM - UMdPS 7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting 9 - 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP Undecidability of the Spactral Gap in 1D noon - UMdBS - BCBMS 3PM - NOAA - Ecosystem Modeling (EM) for Living Marine Resource (LMR) management 4:05PM - UMdSS 6:30PM - CI CSE - Deep Earth Through a Diamond Looking Glass (registration required) 10 - 12:30PM - UMdBS - CBMG/MOCB RIP UMdPS - AD 1:30PM - NOAA - Finnish Meteorological Institute - Weather Forecast Production and NWP Postprocessing 3:30PM - UMdES - 2015-2016 El Nino and its impact on the carbon cycle 11 - 9AM - UMdBS - Protein Folding: Biophysics, Biology, & Beyond (registration requested) 11AM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Reducing False positives of Static Code Analysis noon - UMdBS - Spatial distribution, habitat preference, and societal impact of the nuisance black fly, Simulium jenningsi UMdES - ACBBT 3:30PM - SCBI - Losing not choosing? Reconstructing the evolution of female and male bird song 7PM - BUGSS - The Gut Microbiome in Colorectal Cancer: Friend or Foe? (registration) 12 - 7:30PM - NCA - Relativistic Jets Stir Things Up 14 - 10AM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Re-Imagining End-User Security Behavior: New Approaches to Security Advice and Recommendations 11AM - UMdPS - JQI 11:15AM - UMdSS - Mercury's Water Ice Polar Deposits noon - UMdBS - BBS 4PM - UMdPS - A Secret Asymmetry From Flavored Dark Matter 15 - 4PM - UMdPS 16 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Subsampling and Subspace-embeddings in Quantum Algorithms noon - UMdBS - BCBMS 1PM - APS - Black Hole Entropy, Entanglement, and Holographic Spacetime 3:30PM - SCBI - Chasing the High Fliers: Radar Studies of Insect Migration 17 - 7PM - HAL - Astrophotography From Down Under 18 - noon - UMdBS - CBMG 3:30PM - SCBI - Trends in the birds of Bogota, Colombia: 26 years of Christmas bird counts 4PM - UMdPS - Influence of the initial state on the evolution of quantum spin chains 8PM - PSW - Lectures on Cassini 19 - 1:30PM - NCAS - Public Perception of Science: Lessons From a Dead Sheep 22 - 4PM - UMdPS 23 - noon - NOAA - A Preview of 2018 Fieldwork for Southeast Deep Coral Initiative and It's Management Implications 8PM - NASM - The Hubble Space Telescope: Opening Cosmic Doors for JWST (ticket required) 24 - 6:30PM - CI NLS - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: How High Pressure and Supercomputers Will Shape Materials of the Future (registration recommended) 25 - 3:30PM - SCBI - The Conservation Commons Working Land and Seascapes Action Area: Current research and future plans 29 - 4PM - UMdPS 30 - noon - NOAA - Managers, modelers, and measuring the impact of species distribution model uncertainty on marine zoning decisions. 31 - noon - NOAA - Pushing the Boundaries: Technology-Driven Exploration of the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2PM - NOAA - Assessing the Relationship Between Geomorphology and Deep-Sea coral Community on the West Florida Escarpment June 1 - noon - UMdEgS - Of Course I'm Wrong, but by How Much? 5 - noon - NOAA - Marine Ecological Climate Services: User-Driven Forecasts of Life in the Ocean 8PM - STScI - Star Formation in Orion 7 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Device-independent self-testing 7:30PM - TBC - Application of Theory: Toward Resolving Degrees of Unresolved Emotional Attachment (registration) 12 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves (registration required) 19 - 2PM - NOAA - Cooperative Institutes and Grantees 20 - noon - NOAA - Seasonal and Short-term Prediction of K. brevis Harmful Algal Bloom Outbreaks on the West Florida Shelf 8PM - NASM - The Historical Quest to See to the End of the Universe... Or Its Beginning (ticket required) 21 - 7PM - HAL - Tips on Observing Mars During the 2018 Opposition 28 - 7:30PM - ASG - James Webb Space Telescope Update