

Talk:Code of Conduct

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 22:39, 10 April 2018 by (talk) (→‎preliminary comments: new section)

Grammatical correction

  • Delete of after Misuse under Safety Rules (Bobby)
    • Good catch. Done. Thanks.

A deletion or a culture shift

* Guests are not allowed to use tools and equipment except as part of a scheduled workshop. 

Given the nature of our "open house" nights, which I would not consider to be a "scheduled workshop" this line will probably need to go or we will need to start re-educating some of the regulars... --Ubuntourist (talk) 08:32, 10 April 2018 (PDT)

preliminary comments

General comment: It is important to CLEARLY distinguish between rules and requests. They are definitely not the same. Do: Ask questions - Don't - Interrupt presentations, workshops, or mentoring sessions - contradictory! conduct that consists of loud or boisterous physical behavior or talking. This includes all forms of harassment - no, it doesn't. It is possible to harass someone quietly & nonboisterously. I suggest splitting this: excessively loud talking or boisterous behavior harassment of any kind (but constitutionally-protected free speech by itself cannot constitute harassment) directing a specific threat of physical harm against an individual, group of individuals, or property - suggested rewording: making a specific threat to cause harm to an individual, group, or property I recommend adding: leave the space open without a member present Safety Rules - they should be rules, not requests as currently written Cleaning up and putting away equipment belongs elsewhere; it is not a safety issue (unlike shutting off or unplugging equipment is). Possible addition: No horseplay in the space - there is too much dangerous or fragile stuff here Guests - recommended tool use rules: Guests may use nonhazardous tools in a proper manner. Guests may use hazardous tools they are familiar with in a proper manner if monitored by a member. Guests may be taught to use an unfamiliar tool by a member familiar with that tool. Anyone who misuses a tool may be barred from using HacDC tools. (Note that this allows HacDC to bar someone who misuses their own tools from using HacDC tools, which seems like a good idea.) Members are responsible for their guests and their actions - suggested rewording: Members are responsible for monitoring guests. Minors - I strongly oppose this entire section. HacDC should not discriminate.

I will undoubtedly come up with much more.
