
Classroom TV

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Revision as of 02:37, 28 February 2018 by (talk) (initial write-up, brief)
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The Classroom TV is hooked up to various PCs.

Once we repair'd it by exhaustively testing each LED on the device and fixing the broken one (link to vide).

The TV

The PCs

Windows VR box

(it's grody and uses proprietary poison).

Classroom TV

(highly superior build -- uses Debian Linux, a free software distribution, although we have compromised to allow non-free software and firmware).

2018-02-27 21:29 <thossou> something's up with the GPU on the classroom tv what for it won't work
2018-02-27 21:30 <thossou> but the fans turn
2018-02-27 21:30 <thossou>