
How to Run an Event

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 15:17, 5 April 2012 by Tslagle (talk | contribs)

Note: non-public events are strongly discouraged at HacDC.

  1. Have an idea for an event. :) If your event is a kit build or lightning talks, we have particular tips for you in addition to the ones on this page. If you're running a class, add the class description, including date and time and anything participants should bring, to Category:Classes.
  2. Plan where and how to present your content. Options include the space, the auditorium (capacity: 200 people standing; 150 sitting in chairs in rows; 70 sitting at tables), the sanctuary (capacity: 200 people sitting in pews; another 300 can stand or sit on floor), and the dining room (capacity: 300 people standing; 220 sitting in chairs in rows; 175 sitting at tables).
  3. Assemble any necessary parts.
  4. Schedule a time
    1. Use the church's calendar if you want to use the church's auditorium, dining room, or sanctuary.
    2. Use the the HacDC event calendar to choose a date and time. Please try not to overlap with other HacDC events. Also, please try to give potential participants at least a week's notice.
    3. If you're not sure when to have your event, consider posting a poll to help you decide. Doodle is one free and easy service for doing so.
  5. Publicize!
    1. Send an e-mail to HacDC's blabber@ (public) and members@ (members-only) mailing lists.
    2. Blog it (and add it to the event calendar) by creating an event node in Drupal.
    3. Consider notifying other groups whose members might be interested. One place to check is this list of DC-area geeky groups.
    4. Get it listed on DC Tech Events and, if possibly applicable to artists, send it to the DorkbotDC Blabber mailing list or let the overlord(s) know: dorkbotdc [at] dorkbot [dot] org.
  6. Post signs (e.g., on the red door) directing attendees who've never been to HacDC before.
  7. Run the event. Share your knowledge. Have fun. Take some pictures.
    1. At the event, please tell the participants who aren't members about what HacDC is and ask them to consider joining or donating to us.
  8. How did it go? Blog it! Have suggestions for next time? Add them here!