
Byzantium Sprint 2 Inventory

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Add the crap you have to this list even if someone else says they have the same stuff.

Also, keep in mind that having spares around would be handy in case we fry some stuff.

Oh - somebody order some 7805 or 7905 voltage regulators to drive the LEDs?

haxwithaxe (chris)

  • openwrt compatable routers....10
  • FRS/GMRS handsets....2
  • laser pointers....1
  • webcams(in laptops)....2
  • usb webcams....1(non hackable :( )
  • microcontrollers....5
    • teensy 2.0
    • teensy++ 2.0
    • mbed
    • 2 jeenode v4
  • photoresistor....(will buy $20 worth before planing meeting #2 ... radioshack is cheaper than digikey ... who'da thunk)
    • Things are weird like that these days.
  • 7805....(will buy $20 worth before planning meeting #2 ... again ... wtf radioshack is cheaper)
    • Cheaper but more scarce. Buy them online, you'll have a better chance of getting them, plus it saves on gas.

The Doctor

  • Wireless routers: 2
  • FRS/GMRS handsets: three pairs
    • Uniden GMR1235-2: one pair
      • No headphone or mic jacks.
      • Will have to drill into case and patch directly onto PCB.
      • Will have to build a push-to-talk circuit, though we might be able to get away with using two per node (one send, one receive, on different channels).
    • Audiovox GMRS602: two pairs
      • Manual
      • Has vox support.
      • Has a combination headphone/mic jac with PTT.
      • Need to dig up schematics for that jack to rig up a cable!
      • No hardware modifications will be required.
  • Walkie-talkies: 2, could get another pair, they're cheap
  • Laser pointers: 4
    • See Make Magazine #16, Spy lasercomm device.
    • Simple design.
    • Exposed power leads by chopping up casings last night.
    • Two work well, one is kind of dodgy, one appears to be DOA.
    • Taped buttons down.
    • Taped stacks of coin cells together.
    • Spring is negative, inside of shell is positive.
  • Assorted LEDs: 20
  • Webcams (USB): 1
  • Microcontrollers: 1 Arduino Diecimiela
  • Photocells: need to order
  • Photoresistors: Seven, need to order more
  • Modems: 2
  • TinyTrak 4 (used with Project Spaceblimp)
  • Radio Shack HTX-200 HT
  • Uniden BC92XLT scanner
  • Encapsulated solar cells, 66mm x 95mm x 6mm
    • Pre-wired, with exposed holes for probes as well.
    • 0.5V @ 800mA: 1
      • Didn't generate an appreciable amount of current last night.
      • Physically larger than the other one.
      • Might be unsuitable for use as a detector.
    • 1.0V @ 200mA: 1
      • Generates a decent amount of current.
      • Reacted to room lighting and flashlight in the 'space last night.
      • Might make a good optical sensor.
  • High intensity white light LED flashlights (miniature): 2
    • I've had this model open and played around with them a bit, we could repurpose these easily.
  • 1/8" monoaural phono plugs: 4
  • 14" jumper leads, with alligator clips on both ends: 10
  • Audio output transformers, 1K ohms in, 8K ohms out (RS 273-1380): 2
  • Assorted resistors, carbon film type, 1/4 watt, 5% tolerance: 500
    • Note: this was the only way I could find the resistors needed to build the lasercomm device. Fraggin' Radio Shack...
  • Ultra-high brightness red LEDs, 10mm diameter: 4
  • 7805 voltage regulator, 5 VDC, 1A: 1
    • That was the last one at Radio Shack. Might need more.
    • As I recall, there are a few laying around the 'space.
  • Assorted cadmium sulfide photocells (RS 276-1657): 5