
DIY ECG notes

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Revision as of 05:55, 25 March 2010 by (talk)

Notes and scratchpad for DIY ECG project

Page maintained by User:Obscurite

PARTS for higher-precision version(s)

  • Instrumentation Amplifiers (not sure why these are priced so differently)
    • Both have CMMR of 110+ for gain of 1000, so they should both work equally well. AD624AD is referenced in the sciam article, but it also mentions the AD620A which is 1/3 the cost at about $7.
    • Cheaper version: AD620A
    • Expensive version: AD624AD

PARTS for basic version(s)

  • LM358 or LM324 (quad vs dual) op amps (or LF353 which is pin compatible)
  • Diodes
  • 0.1uF capacitor(s)
  • Variety of 1/4 watt resistors (10k, 100k, etc)
  • shielded wires for electrodes (phone or coax cables)
  • electrodes (soldered pennies, medical electrodes, etc)


These sites, papers, and articles provide info on ECG making, A/D conversion, signal processing, and general theory: