
Regular Member Meeting 2009 12 08

From HacDC Wiki

Note: This page, in a change from our previous practice, serves as the 2009-12-08 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

December 8, 2009 Meeting called to order at ? PM by President

Members Present:


Quorum ?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting Minutes 2009 11 10

Consent Agenda

Minister Reports

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Vice President's Report

Secretary's Report

Member Reports

timball bought a glue gun and has a receipt for $12.63

also pants are good!

Old Business

New Business

  • Proposal to retain legal representation for HacDC and the board. The board should be asked to report on the legal consequences of playing an unlicensed movie at the next membership meeting.
  • Election of a director at-large (to replace Serge)
  • Creation of annual report (Copy Writing and Scribus Work)
