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Revision as of 05:05, 1 October 2019 by Gippgig (talk | contribs)

insCADImp.txt - How to use ImplicitCAD - July 30, 2017 version I.1 Login: hacdc I.2 At Password: enter standard password I.3 If the MATE Terminal icon is on the screen double click on it and skip I.4-I.6 I.4 Click on Applications (top left) I.5 Select System Tools I.6 Click on MATE Terminal I.7 ssh [email protected] (ssh=network connect; perform following at renderadmin instead of local computer) I.8 At [email protected]'s password: enter standard password I.9 cd directorybeingused/ (i.e., ImplicitCAD/radioshack_box/) I.10 emacs -nw file.escad (i.e., testcube.escad - editor (one of many that can be used) for creating or modifying file (in this case object description)) I.11 Enter or modify object description I.12 Ctrl X Ctrl S (save file) I.13 Ctrl X Ctrl C (exit editor) I.14 make file.stl (i.e., testcube.stl - convert from object description (.escad) to surface description (.stl)) I.15 Wait - complex objects can take a very long time I.16 If there is an error repeat I.10-I.15 as many times as necessary I.17 exit (undoes ssh renderadmin) I.18 scp [email protected]:/home/renderadmin/directorybeingused/file.stl ./ (i.e., [email protected]:/home/renderadmin/ImplicitCAD/radioshack_box/testcube.stl ./ - copy host, where, to; copy file back to local computer) I.19 At Password: enter standard password I.20 meshlab file.stl (i.e., meshlab testcube.stl - display object) I.21 At Post-Open Processing: click on OK I.22 After examining object: Ctrl Q I.23 Repeat I.7-I.22 as many times as needed