
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 22:32, 10 September 2018 by (talk) (update)

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. Sept. 2018 11 - noon - NOAA - NOAA Geospatial (Geographic Information System) Hot Topics 1PM - RSC ST - My Approach to Science (registration) 4PM - UMdPS - The ultimate collision: Neutron stars rattle, shine and sparkle 7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting 12 - 11AM - UMdCSS - SCRIPTS: a System for Cross-Language Information Processing, Translation and Summarization noon - UMdBS - The sigma-1 receptor in CNS diseases NOAA - Solving the Challenge of Predicting Nature: How Close are We and How Do We Get There? 3:15PM - UMdMS - Smooth random functions and smooth random ODEs 7:30PM - HacDC - amateur radio 13 - 11AM - UMdBS - VMS 2PM - UMdPS - Samarium hexaboride, curiouser and curiouser! 3PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP 4PM - UMdBS - PSL 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group 14 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Reading News with Maps by Exploiting Spatial Synonyms noon - UMdBS - CBMG Spatial distribution. habitat preference, and societal impact of the nuisance black fly, Simulium jenningsi UMdCSS - Single-photon bound states in atomic ensembles 15 - 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 17 - 4PM - UMdBpS - Biological Imaging at High Spatiotemporal Resolution 18 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Challenges of Human-Aware AI Systems 12:30PM - UMdBS - Latest results on B chromosomes in cichlid fishes 6:30PM - CI CSE - Shining a Light on Gravitational Waves (registration required) 7PM - RSC - K40 Laser Cutter Upgrade Group Meetup 19 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Event Semantics in Text Constructions, Vision, and Human-Robot Dialogue What should we do with near-term quantum computers? noon - UMdBS - BCS 20 - 11AM - UMdBS - VMS 1PM - APS - Fermi's Decade of Observing the Extreme Universe 3PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP 4PM - UMdBS - PSL 6:30PM - DASER - Art and the Brain (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group HAL - Kuiper Belt Objects 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Black Holes and Ripples in Spacetime 21 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Neuromorphic Artificial Intelligence: From Mathematical Foundations of Deep Learning to 'Cortex-on-a-Chip' Understanding optimization in neural networks noon - UMdBS - A divergent regulatory subunit of protein kinase A has a role in intracellular development of the human pathogen Leishmania ENTM 8PM - PSW - Black Holes and the Structure of Spacetime 22 - 1PM - RSC - 3D Printing Basics - Getting Started (registration) 24 - noon - UMdBS - BBS 4PM - UMdBpS - Transcriptional Enhancers - Looking out for the genes and each other 7PM - GMU Obs. - The Debate Regarding Whether or Not Viking Landers Discovered Life on Mars 26 - 7PM - HHMI - How to Build a Dog in 2,392,715,236 Simple Steps (ticket required) 27 - 11AM - UMdBS - VMS 12:30PM - UMdBS - CBMG/MOCB RIP 3PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP 4PM - UMdBS - PSL 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group 7:30PM - ASG - Scientific Visualization 28 - noon - UMdBS - CBMG 29 - 1PM - RSC - 3d Printing - What's Next? 30 - 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat Oct. 1 - 4PM - UMdBpS - Structure, Aggregation, and Cytotoxicity of Amyloid Beta Peptide 2 - 12:30PM - UMdBS - Transcriptional regulation of tandem arrays of genes 8PM - STScI - Chasing Supernovae with Kepler 3 - 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP Computing Infrastructure News 6:30PM - CI CSE - What Can the Developing Brain Teach Us About Alzheimer's Disease? (registration required) 4 - 4PM - UMdCSS - Michele Gelfand in Conversation with Thomas Friedman 5 - noon - UMdBS - Vision for a new generation of IPM through advances in understanding of mechanisms underlying insect trapping 8PM - PSW - Dragonfly The Next Mission to Titan 9 - 7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting 13 - 1:30PM - NCAS - demystifying paranormal videos 7:30PM - NCA - The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): Defending the Earth from Asteroids 14 - 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 15 - 6:30PM - GMU Obs. - New Horizons: From Pluto to Ultima Thule 17 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Restoring and Protecting Earth's Wild Beauty (registration required) 18 - 6:30PM - DASER - Integration: Art and STEM (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - HAL - A Lifelong Journey in Astronomy. 19 - 8PM - PSW - Cube Sats A Not So Small Revolution in Space 23 - noon - NOAA - Preparing Ocean Governance for Species on the Move 28 - 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 29 - 4PM - UMdBpS - Understanding the Complex Networks Driving Cellular Decisions 6PM - GMU Obs. - Extrasolar Planets: Exploring Alien Worlds Nov. 2 - 8PM - PSW - Venus - Earth's Sister Planet The Next Mission 14 - 1PM - APS - Gravitational Waves and Light from Merging Neutron Stars 15 - 6:30PM - DASER - Creating Things That Matter: The Art and Science of Innovations that Last (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - HAL - Out of this World Astronomy: The Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-A2 26 - 5:30PM - GMU Obs. - Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array What it is; what it can do; and, the latest results.