


From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 16:49, 3 December 2008 by Celtikill (talk | contribs)

Celtikill.jpgHi, I'm Eoin.

In my youth, I had a 101 electronics kit. Me and my buddy Patrick wired it up to all sorts of interesting things, most of which exploded in one fashion or another.

I was in 4H most of my youth, and won several model rocketry competitions in Maryland divisions. Meanwhile, I moonlighted on an elite "unorthodox payloads" rocketry team. We called ourselves "Cobra's Revenge" because everyone knows Cobra is way cooler than GI Joe. F*** the man!

I won the Baltimore Museum of Industry's Mag Lev Challenge at some point. This was with Patrick and some guy from my Fencing class. The Museum uses the same track for annual Mag Lev Challenges, and it's got a pinch in the track at about the half way point. My team won because we were one of the only teams that didn't stop dead in the pinch. Also, the Fencing dude was an artist, so our train was wicked-tight.

I won the Junior Olympic Fencing Qualifiers in an epic overtime match against the Mag Lev Artist. We never spoke again.

I got an Apple II when I was 8. I couldn't play Wolfenstein, and the Oregon Trail stank.

I got a 486SX with 4 Megs of RAM when I was 10. My dad was working his PhD at UMCP, so I had a dial-up to the University. PuTTY sessions at 9600 baud; BBS flame wars; Doom and Hexon h4x0ring.... It was a golden age!

My dad was consumed with fear that I would break the computer, and he did his best to limit my computer use. This single fact explains why I'm here on this wiki. I'm quite grateful for this.
