
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 21:44, 26 May 2018 by (talk) (update)

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. May 2018 29 - 8:30AM - CSPO - The Transformative Impact of NASA's User-Focused Data (, registration) noon - NOAA - The emerging role of the land surface in weather and climate prediction 6:30PM - UMdSoT - I'm supposed to do what with my password? Computer security advice and what to do about it (registration) 31 - noon - NOAA - Pushing the Boundaries: Technology-Driven Exploration of the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2PM - NOAA - Assessing the Relationship Between Geomorphology and Deep-Sea coral Community on the West Florida Escarpment 7:30PM - ASG June 1 - noon - UMdEgS - Of Course I'm Wrong, but by How Much? 7PM - UMdP - Physics is Phun: Full Spectrum 2 - 7PM - UMdP - Physics is Phun: Full Spectrum 5 - noon - NOAA - Marine Ecological Climate Services: User-Driven Forecasts of Life in the Ocean 8PM - STScI - Star Formation in Orion 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Mapping the Federation 7 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Device-independent self-testing 7:30PM - TBC - Application of Theory: Toward Resolving Degrees of Unresolved Emotional Attachment (registration) 9 - 7:30PM - NCA - Science Fair Winners 10 - 7PM - NoVAC - The Chandler Wobble and the critical role that the latitude observatory in Gaithersburg played in monitoring this motion 12 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves (registration required) 13 - 1PM - APS - Dynamics of The Supercontinent Rodinia 8PM - NASM - Dreaming Big... Innovations in Space (ticket required) 15 - 8PM - PSW - Lectures on Cassini 19 - 2PM - NOAA - Cooperative Institutes and Grantees 7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting 20 - noon - NOAA - Seasonal and Short-term Prediction of K. brevis Harmful Algal Bloom Outbreaks on the West Florida Shelf 8PM - NASM - The Historical Quest to See to the End of the Universe... Or Its Beginning (ticket required) 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Where in History is the Orion Nebula? 21 - 7PM - HAL - Tips on Observing Mars During the 2018 Opposition 28 - 7:30PM - ASG - James Webb Space Telescope Update July 3 - 8PM - STScI - The Milky Way's Bulge: From a Hypothesized Blob to a Remarkably Detailed Picture 5 - 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Pulsar Timing Arrays: Using the Galaxy to detect Gravitational Waves 20 - 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Balloon Astronomy August 5 - 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Magnetic fields in the Milky Way 7 - 8PM - STScI - Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust: The Fate of Stars like the Sun 20 - 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Cool Science from Near the Sun