
DC Community Hackerspaces

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Revision as of 16:08, 1 December 2017 by KenKRealm (talk | contribs) (→‎Neighborhood Artisan Centers (NACs): Provided Background/References Related to Neighborhood Artisan Centers)

2017.11.21 "Inaugural" Meeting

In attendance:

Neighborhood Artisan Centers (NACs)


  • Good Sources To Keep Pace with Technology
    • The Singularity Hub, Singularity Hub chronicles technological progress ...
    • is a news organization dedicated to bringing you up to date on all the latest news from the 3D printing industry.
    • Road to VR Founded in 2011, Road to VR is the world’s leading independent news publication dedicated to the consumer virtual reality industry.
    • Science X a network of high-quality websites that provides the most complete and comprehensive daily coverage of science, technology, and medical news.
  • Examples of Project Based/Self Organized Learning, Virtual and On-site Mentors
    • Video: Anacostia HS Aquaponics Project, Teens and young adults participating in Aquaponics project at Anacostia High School
    • Video: Teens Assemble VR Headset Older teens at Anacostia HS assembling VR headset, supported by volunteers from HacDC and DCVR
    • Video: Web Conferencing with Virtual Mentors Older teens at Anacostia HS interacted via web conferencing with Dr. Subhrankar Mukherjee (Subra), India chapter Club of Rome, from Mumbai, and David Li, founder of first Makerspace in China, from Shanghai
    • Video: Videoconferencing with Virtual Mentor Older teens at Anacostia HS interacted via web conferencing with Tyrese Gould, daughter of Mark Gould, Chief of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation in New Jersey

Add your notes and thoughts below

Try to make an effort to keep the page sane and readable by using Mediawiki's formatting correctly.

DC/MD/VA spaces

Following up with some of the other local maker/hacker/bio/food spaces in the area (Dorothy):

  • Northern Virginia

Miscellaneous links

Some of the places, people and events mentioned yesterday, in no particular order (Ubuntourist)

  • Potential partners locally
    • John Capozzi, Program Manager at The Office of the Chief Technology Officer, Government of the District of Columbia. He was part of the Broadband Bridge Coalition, and other progressive tech efforts.
    • Mike Lee, Senior Advisor, Digital Strategy at AARP Digital Strategy & Membership; Founder, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Learning Club DC
    • Leshell Hatley, Founder and Director, Uplift, Inc. in SE DC. A fantastic program. (LinkedIn profile)
    • Phil Shapiro, tweeter/ promoter / dreamer / writer Makezine,, Twitter, LinkedIn (He can be very good at "getting the word out")
    • Greg Bloom - serial digital justice crusader / organizer (no longer in the area but still "connected" to DC)
    • Gerald Cooper - Founder, IT Computer Wizkids
    • Damon Jones, Founder / Director, STEAM America
    • Alex Dehgan, CEO and co-Founder, Conservation X Labs & Chanler Innovator, Duke University. He invited HacDC to participate in the Smithsonian Institute's Earth Optimism Summit Make for the Planet hackathon.
    • (If you talk to any of the above, drop my name.)
    • Code for DC Brigade of Code for America
    • The Open Technology Institute (OTI), a division of the New America Foundation, a progressive think tank in DC. New America Foundation has some fantastic lectures and panels on science, technology, and policy. OTI folks helped the DC Broadband Bridge group set up a neighborhood mesh network, that the DC government was hoping to model when Bryan Sivak ran OCTO. (Alas, the community got cut out of those conversations after Bryan left.)
    • Cities of Learning, DC part of Cities of LRNG (pronounced "learning"), mentioned by Ken
    • [​ Sustainable DC 2.0] - several education, energy, and urban agriculture goals