Useful AVR Links
From HacDC Wiki
Generic AVR Resources
- AVR Freaks articles, forum, and wiki.
- AVRFreaks ProductMatrix
- AVR Datasheets from Atmel
- The library reference and and example projects at the AVR-libc page are very useful.
- AVR libc Online User Manual
- AVR libc FAQ
- Procyon AVRlib (not to be confused with the libc) has code for nearly everything you'd like to hook up to an AVR. (I2C, IDE/ATA, LCDs, etc)
AVR Tutorials
- Craig Limber's Site has a bunch of AVR tutorials
- Ghetto Programming: Getting started with AVR microprocessors on the cheap. and Ghetto Development Environment are two Instructables that show how to get set up with AVR programming.
Projects and Ideas
- Cornell University's EE476 Course has a lot of great projects (with code and comments!) using AVRs.
- A Billion Links from an Atmel Field Engineer